Breathe me in

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"She's not breathing!" Oh Yoon-hee shouted when she realized that the unconscious woman could die if she did not receive any help in the next five minutes. She grabbed her wrist to take her pulse, but she could barely feel Ae-gyo's beats. Yoon-hee's heart was pounding in her chest. There was no way she was going to let her die. She had just gotten her back. Yoon-hee turned to look at Logan through the rear view mirror, but he was too focused on driving and avoiding Joo Dan-tae's men to look at her. However, he seemed to sense her desperation. Silence was never good.

"Don't let her die! If she does, I'll kill you myself. I'm not about to lose her twice!" Logan shouted through gritted teeth. He wished he was the one with Ae-gyo, but he didn't trust Yoon-hee's driving skills. He had seen her driving and although she wasn't a bad driver, she was too anxious about having Ae-gyo in the back of the car. She could make a mistake that could get them killed. Oh Yoon-hee swallowed. Now she knew how Logan felt towards Su-ryeon. There was no doubt that his threats would become a fact if something were to happen to Ae-gyo. She looked down at the woman underneath her and decided to use CPR on her. It was all she could think of. She put her shaky hands in the middle of Ae-gyo's chest and started to compress it, but there was no evidence that the woman was breathing. Yoon-hee was about to freak out. Her whole body tensed at the thought of losing her.

"Wake up! Don't leave me again," she whispered loudly enough just for her to hear. Oh Yoon-hee swallowed hard. A familiar lump was making its appearance in her throat. She needed to do something. She couldn't stay still. Yoon-hee was about to turn to Logan again, when it hit her. Rescue breathing. That was the only way in which she could save her. If it didn't work, she would go mad, she feared. Yoon-hee collected herself and lifted Ae-gyo's chin so the air went directly to her lungs. Yoon-hee leaned in deep in thoughts. She felt like playing with fire. One mistake was all it took to end Ae-gyo's life for good. She had no idea about how to perform rescue breathing, but she was determined to give it a try. For that woman, she was willing to do anything. Yoon-hee closed her eyes and inhaled as much air as her lungs allowed her to. She pinched Ae-gyo's nostrils with her right hand and placed her mouth over hers. Their lips crashed and Yoon-hee breathed into her mouth. Ae-gyo's lips were softer than she thought. They didn't match her rude attitude. Yoon-hee's heart skipped a beat when Ae-gyo's perfume hit her nostrils. Her smell was so peculiar and she couldn't help but confirm her suspicions. It had to be Su-ryeon. There was no way she could was wrong.

"Is she breathing?" Logan asked her from the pilot's seat. Oh Yoon-hee opened her eyes and pulled back abruptly. She had lost herself in the moment, in the feeling, and in the touch. Yoon-hee forced herself to focus on the task at hand or the impostor, her friend, would die. Logan looked at her through the mirror and a wave of jealousy hit him. He should have let her drive so he could be with Ae-gyo. "Oh Yoon-hee," he called her when he got no reply. He didn't need to turn around to know that she had started rescue breathing. He tightened his grip around the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white and he sped a little.

"Not yet, but I'm trying," she replied, seriously. She was stressed enough. She didn't need his shouting right now. Yoon-hee licked her lips before leaning in once again. She prayed to god that it worked. Their lips met and she blowed some air into Ae-gyo's mouth. She was about to pull back when she noticed something odd. She could swear she felt a reaction. The moment their lips touched, Yoon-hee felt the woman's lips firmly pressed against hers and, unlike the first time, they had been limp. Yoon-hee frowned when she felt Ae-gyo's hand on the back of her neck, keeping her in place as if she knew what Yoon-hee was thinking. Oh Yoon-hee ignored her silent request and stopped the life-saving intervention at once. The younger woman looked down at Ae-gyo and her expecting eyes met hers.

Despite the lack of lightning, Yoon-hee could see the sparkling in her dark eyes and a smirk she had never seen before was decorating her pale face. Yoon-hee's eyes were on stalks as she stared at her. Ae-gyo held out her hand and touched Yoon-hee's cheek softly. The younger woman gasped silently. She was right. She had found her. Su-ryeon was alive. Yoon-hee closed her eyes and didn't fight back the tears. She had missed her so much. Su-ryeon smiled and ignored the tears in her own eyes as she caressed her cheek. There was no use in pretending to be Ae-gyo anymore. She was relieved to know that Yoon-hee wouldn't give up on her. Su-ryeon knew that the younger woman would keep on going after her even if she claimed to be Ae-gyo for the rest of her life. She sniffed and brought Yoon-hee closer to her. She needed to feel her lips against hers again. She needed to reassure herself that everything was going to be okay, that she hadn't lost her, they they were real.

"Shim Su-ryeon," Oh Yoon-hee whispered when she noticed that Su-ryeon was asking her to lean in again. Their eyes met and Yoon-hee swallowed. Su-ryeon's eyes looked at her with so much love and admiration it melted her heart. Yoon-hee wiped away the remaining tears and obeyed. However, it wasn't like their first kiss. Now it was as if Su-ryeon had been thirsty for years and Yoon-hee was providing her the water she so desperately needed. Their tongues met and fought for power as Su-ryeon allowed Yoon-hee to win the first round.

Su-ryeon's hands went to Yoon-hee's hips. Her coat was open and she was wearing an oversized sweater, which made it easier for Su-ryeon to come in contact with the precious skin of her savior. Yoon-hee gasped into her mouth when she felt Su-ryeon's cold hands against the warm skin of her hips. She wasn't expecting her to move that fast nor to start making out in the back of the car like teenagers. Su-ryeon's hands went from her hips to her flat stomach as she pretended to be drawing with invisible pencils over her skin. Yoon-hee shuddered. She parted her lips and Su-ryeon's tongue invaded her mouth. The older woman wasn't about to let any opportunity pass by again. She would make the most of it. Her pale hands stopped drawing invisible patterns and moved to Yoon-hee's small waist. Yoon-hee's muscles tensing under her touch and the silent moans escaping from her lips, made Su-ryeon feel alive again. Those two years away from her and her children had been the hardest of her life. She had felt like dying everyday away from them. All that kept her going was picturing this moment. Daydreaming about meeting her children and giving her and Yoon-hee a second chance became her religion.

"I've missed you," Su-ryeon whispered with a broken voice as she broke the kiss. She felt the familiar lump in her throat. She didn't want to be emotional, but she couldn't help it. She thought she had lost it all. Yet, everything she needed was between her arms again. Oh Yoon-hee met her eyes and gave her a reassuring smile. She, herself, couldn't believe they were finally reunited. Yoon-hee sniffed and kissed her chin before going to her neck. She wanted to kiss every inch of her exposed skin. Su-ryeon tilted her head back to give her more access. Yoon-hee kissed her tenderly, hoping that her love and care healed all of her soul's wounds. Yoon-hee's hand went to Su-ryeon's hipbone as she rolled up Su-ryeon's leather jacket and white sweater shyly. Yoon-hee gripped her hip softly before caressing her waist. Su-ryeon bit her lip in pleasure. She removed her hands from Yoon-hee's waist and put them on the woman's head. She desperately needed to kiss her again. Yoon-hee kissed her neck one last time before meeting her lips and kissing her passionately.

"We're almost there! Is she alive?" they heard Logan asking as he tried to look at Oh Yoon-hee's reflection through the mirror, but all he saw was her back. Oh Yoon-hee broke the kiss and removed her hand from Su-ryeon's stomach. His voice made her come back to her senses. She couldn't believe what they were doing. Maybe a part of Su-ryeon did die two years ago, because the woman she knew would never ever make out in the back of the car with Logan present, let alone touch another woman's waist or hips. Oh Yoon-hee chuckled. Maybe Ae-gyo had always been part of Su-ryeon, but she hadn't noticed it before. Su-ryeon looked at her and bit her lip hard. Sweet and naïve Oh Yoon-hee was gone. She was wiser and bolder now. Both of them had changed so much in the past two years that it nearly scared her. However, what they shared was still untouched and for that she was glad. "Did she die?!" Logan asked again when he was met with silence. Su-ryeon let out a laugh.

"Yes, she's very much alive. Thank you. Where are you taking me now?" Su-ryeon asked him, playing her character. Yoon-hee bit her lip to stop herself from smirking. She removed her weight from Su-ryeon's body and sat up on the seat next to her.

"Why didn't you tell me she was conscious again?" Logan asked Oh Yoon-hee through the mirror, upset. The younger woman folded her arms and licked her lips.

"I was too busy trying to bring her back to life," Yoon-hee replied, seriously. In a sense, she wasn't lying. She had saved Su-ryeon in ways she would never know. Yoon-hee unfolded her arms and put her hand on her left knee. Su-ryeon swallowed before putting her hand on top of hers. Yoon-hee flinched at the sudden touch. She looked out of the window and smiled to herself when she realized that her hands weren't cold anymore.

"Who are you people? Bonnie and Clyde? Drop me here before I call Joo Dan-tae," Su-ryeon said, using her Ae-gyo voice. Logan glared at her and Yoon-hee bit her lip. She interwove their fingers and made a mental note to ask her out sometime. She had many unanswered questions and a long list of things they could do together. Su-ryeon eyed her from the corner of her eye. She hoped Yoon-hee knew there wasn't a person she would rather be with than her. Su-ryeon squeezed her hand as she hid a smile. Their hearts recognized one another as they started to beat again.

I'm so sorry for the delay. Life has been very hectic lately. I hope it was worth the wait! And don't forget to mention scenes with potential material. My imagination has a limit lol!

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