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Do not read if you haven't watched the latest episode (3x05).




Su-ryeon's heart skipped a beat. The air she thought she was holding suddenly disappeared. She swallowed hard. Her eyes were fixed on the redhead in front of her. Her brain stopped working. All she could hear were Ro-na's cries echoing in the huge cold room. She stepped forward. Each step she took was heavier than the previous one. She looked down at the pale woman. The cuts on her face sent shivers down her spine. Su-ryeon blinked. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Yoon-hee," she whispered through gritted teeth, but the woman didn't move. She ignored the fat tears in her eyes as one of her hands touched Yoon-hee's arm. She flinched at the contact and removed her fingers at once. She closed her eyes as she sighed. Yoon-hee’s skin was always warm. She bit her lip as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She put her hand on her arm again. Her index and middle finger touched her skin, but this time she didn't withdraw. Su-ryeon opened her eyes. "It's not true. It's not true, is it, Yoon-hee?" she asked her, sniffing. Still, the woman didn't move. Su-ryeon's right hand went to the younger woman's shoulder. She was so cold she almost stepped back.

"Yoon-hee, you can't leave me alone like this," Su-ryeon begged her with a broken voice. The lump in her throat was growing bigger and bigger. The sobs were getting out of control. Her lower lip trembled. "Yoon-hee," she whispered as if trying to wake her up, as if scolding her for going to bed without her. Her left hand touched her cheek. Her hands were as shaky as her voice. Su-ryeon shook her head in denial. No. This had to be a lie. Yoon-hee would never leave her. She couldn't. "Yoon-hee," she insisted, raising her voice. The panic within her was taking over. This definitely couldn't be. Not her Yoon-hee.

"Please, get up, Yoon-hee. Get up so we can go!" Su-ryeon commanded her between sobs. Her grip on her shoulders tightened. She shook her body to wake her up before leaning in. "Yoon-hee!" she called her again and again, but there was no reply. The pain she was feeling was so familiar. Yoon-hee swore to her she would never make her go through that pain, but she did. Su-ryeon opened her mouth to call her again, but she couldn't. The words seemed to vanish into thin air as she began to choke. She forgot how to breathe. She gasped for air as she allowed the tears and her pain to fill the room. She closed her eyes and supported her head on her chest as she had done so many times before. She broke down not minding the kids there. Her heart was torn. Her world was crumbling. Her soul was bleeding. Su-ryeon gripped Ro-na's jacket tightly. 

"Don't leave me, Yoon-hee. Please, wake up. Please," she whispered against her chest. Her tears wetted the black piece of clothing. Su-ryeon buried her head in her hands. "Please," she said again with a broken voice. She could barely speak. Every consonant and vowel took a piece of her heart. Each word she muttered sliced her throat. She opened her mouth again, however, nothing but cries and sobs came out of it. Seok-hoon wiped away his tears as he looked up at his mom. He wished he hadn't. Seeing his mom so broken was similar to a nightmare. His heart ached. He swallowed as he walked towards Su-ryeon. Ro-na hugged herself, unaware of what was going on. The grief was unbearable. Seok-hoon cleared his throat. He stretched out his hand as he softly put it on Su-ryeon’s right shoulder. The woman jumped.

"Wake up," Su-ryeon opened her eyes at once. She could still feel someone's hand on her shoulder. She looked around and realized that she was in her bedroom. She sat up abruptly. "Are you okay? It seemed like you were struggling in your dreams," Oh Yoon-hee said, concerned. Su-ryeon frowned. Had it all been a dream? "Honey? What is it?"

"Are you okay?" Su-ryeon asked her in a whisper. Yoon-hee nodded. Su-ryeon moved closer to the redhead. She touched her hands and a wave of relief invaded her. They were as warm as she remembered them. She looked her up and down while paying attention to each exposed skin her prying eyes took in. She seemed to be in perfect condition.

"What is it?" Yoon-hee asked her, concerned. Su-ryeon looked at her and the pain of losing her came back to her. Her body began to shake. Oh Yoon-hee put her book down and sat closer to her. She put her arms around her and hugged her. Su-ryeon sobbed in her arms. "Whatever it is that you were dreaming is not real. We're good. I won't let anything happen to you," Yoon-hee tried to comfort her as she rocked her. Su-ryeon sniffed. Yoon-hee's heartbeats, warmth, perfume, and voice were everything she needed to be happy.

"Don't ever leave me," Su-ryeon said between sobs. Yoon-hee nodded as she kissed her temple. The older woman pulled back. Her eyes were red and watery. "I love you. I love you so much that it hurts," she said, looking at her lover in the eyes. Yoon-hee gave her a small smile.

"And I love you. I would do anything for you," Yoon-hee replied, putting a lock of her dark hair behind her ear. Su-ryeon gave into her touch. She shook her head as flashes of her nightmare came back. "Babe, we're safe. He can't find us here," Yoon-hee assured her, guessing what her dream was about. Su-ryeon looked at her and nodded. Yoon-hee wiped away her lover's tears as she kissed her cheeks. She went from her right cheek to her left one before kissing her nose. Su-ryeon closed her eyes. Yoon-hee kissed her lips softly. Su-ryeon opened her mouth for her as her right hand cupped Yoon-hee's breast. She freed it from the nightgown and pulled back. Yoon-hee lied back in bed with Su-ryeon on top of her. The older woman took her breast in her mouth. The redhead gasped.

"Shh, it's okay. We're safe," Yoon-hee whispered, caressing her girlfriend's back. She could still feel the hot tears in her chest. Su-ryeon nodded. She hugged her as she sucked her breast. She was both ashamed and too scared to let go of it. She didn't know how nor when that had become a thing for them, but she was glad they had found it. It calmed them down and reassured them that they were safe. "Should we go back to sleep?" she asked her, softly. Su-ryeon nodded and let go of her breast. She fixed her nightgown and covered them with the blankets.

"I love you so much that losing you would destroy me," Su-ryeon whispered, resting her head on her chest. Yoon-hee gave her a sad smile as she switched the lights off.

"I love you so much that losing you would make me go mad," she replied, sadly. Su-ryeon sighed. Yoon-hee kissed her forehead as they prepared to fall asleep together. Su-ryeon breathed in the smell of her perfume and smiled. Yoon-hee was right. Nothing could harm them.

"Mom...She's gone," Seok-hoon whispered, shaking his mother's shoulder. Su-ryeon opened her eyes. Yoon-hee's skin was cold and pale again. She shook her head as she stepped back. The tears blurred her vision and the sobs came back. She covered her mouth with her hands as she fell to her knees. How much sadness a heart could put up with she had no idea, but hers was about to break.

This is so sad. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I cried so hard with that scene! But I'm hoping Yoon-hee isn't dead. She's smart. She knows how crazy Dan-tae is, so let's hope she has a plan B.

Btw, I might turn this chapter into a small story containing two or three more parts. We'll see what I can come up with.

I hope you're all healthy and safe!
Miss you! Xx

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