Chapter 8

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Dax woke up, nearly overwhelmed with pain. He tried to move, only to end up wincing. Absolutely everything hurt.
"You won't be going anywhere in the state you're in," a voice scoffed.
Dax twisted to see who it was, even though it hurt. The first thing his eyes caught sight of was Poppi out cold beside him. Then his gaze traveled past Poppi. It stopped on none other than Damian. He stood over them, arms crossed. Oh no!
"I'm sorry," Dax pleaded.
"Sorry won't cut it. I've told you things I have never wanted to tell anyone, and you escaped with those secrets. I should just kill you right now," Damian growled.
"I will help you beat Marigold," Dax suggested frantically, valuing his life.
"Why would I want your help, you jerk? I could probably beat him myself, without a stupid human like you," grumbled Damian.
"Why did you even want my help then? If you can just defeat them yourself?" Dax challenged.
Damian frowned, taking a step further away from Dax," It's none of your business."
"It is my business! It involves me," Dax snapped, becoming irritated with this monster.
"It's just because I wanted a friend. I have no family, other than a brother who desires my death!" Damian screamed, glaring at Dax.
"You only wanted a friend?" guilt stabbed at Dax. "You put me through all that because you wanted a friend?"
Damian sat down on a large, nearby rock, and buried his face in his knees. He wrapped his wings around himself.
Dax heard Damian sobbing softly. "I didn't realize," he said quietly, only feeling guiltier.
Damian didn't move, ignoring Dax.
"I'll help you," Dax said, deciding what he must do. "I'll stick by your side until we've defeated Marigold, whether you want me to or not." He felt that this was the only way to make his still growing guilt vanish.
Damian finally looked back up at Dax.
"I promise."
Damian stood up, and helped Dax to his feet٫ using the back of his other hand to wipe away remaining tears.

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