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Luke's pov -

I am not getting a good feel today I don't know what happened but something is not right . I talked to gulf he seems happy I guess I also happy for him ofcourse I liked him and slept with but I don't love him he is a good friend that's all plus I am already seeing someone I keep changing my mind you know once I had a crush on his brother in law win too he is such a cuties but he is married and I don't like to stell someone's else people I still remember how his husband was after he got to know I had a crush on him .... Anyways I am going home suddenly my car breaks are not working what is happening and a truck came what the hellllllllllll.

Meanwhile mewgulf -

Thorn - your work is done he is dead okk and please stay calm now or gulf will get to know it was you who killed luke .

Mew- ofcourse I am not dumb don't worry I will take care of everything you go back now .

Thorn - yes I am did you book my flight of days ago .

Mew- don't worry my friend has done everything he went back two days ago by your name so that everyone will think you are not even here and I will handle everything now .

Thorn - oh then I will get going by .

Mew pov -

now the only problem that was keeping me away from baby is gone luke is dead oh god I am so happy I know what I did is wrong but how dare he slept with my baby my gulf he tired to Steel my gulf my kids they are mine and mine alone , may your soul rest in peace .

Gulf- baby the food is ready come down.

Oh my baby called me I have to go hehe I love him so much I just wish I was there to see him while he was pregnant with my babies ohh god he would be looking so sexy round belly with my babies , big ass his extra sensitive nipples ohhh my I can't horney when my kids are around .

Gulf - what took you so long mew.

Ohhh I was talking to phi thorn .

Gulf - ohk please ask the babies to come the dinner is ready .

I smiled yes mamma.

Gulf - jerk .

I went to kids room oh my they are so adorable , they are smart like me and gulf fern is tough like me and earth is exactly like gulf he is so clingy to him like me that's what people say like father like son ...

Babies mamma has prepared the dinner let's go I opened my arms for them to jump in but they looked at me and went to there bed what , what did I do are they mad at me . I asked them what happened they looked at me and hugged me and .

Fern - dada mamma will make us all eat those bad vegetables for a week now .

What why I hate them .

Earth - dada remember when yestaday you took us to ice cream shop and we didn't tell mamma , mamma got to know now he will punish all of us .

I am so screwed .

Gulf - shouted mew ,fern and earth come for dinner hurry up .

No one's Pov -

All mew fern and earth ran to ferns bed mew covered all of them with blanket for protection from gulf , but when gulf came to call all of them he laughed seeing a grow up man with two kids hidding in a blanket , he snacked there blanket and .

Gulf - ohh babies you can't hide from me Come on the table now .

Fern - mamma please na .

Earth - mamma puppy eyes please na dada got us ice cream punish him we are innocent .

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