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Zee - oh Saint what happened .

Saint - acctally I guess my car broke down and I am in a hurry to reach home .

Mew - we can drop you at your place if you want .

Saint - no no I don't want to trouble you guys I will book a cab.

Zee- no it's not safe to tavel alone this time plus you have two kids with you.

Mew- saint zee is right don't worry we  will drop you guys .

Saint - thank you so much guys there mother is about to be back and I need to bring them back home .

Zee- no worries you can sit in front with me mew can hold the kids .

Saint - no no it's fine I can hold them .

Mew - don't worry saint you look tired you can sleep in the front seat I will take care of the kids .

Saint- thank you so much .

Mew took the kids in this arms saint was zee was a little shocked both the babies were cuddling on mews chest enjoying the warmth . Mew sat in the back seat with the babies cuddling to him he was also enjoying the warmth that babies were giving him he smelled them and kissed there checks .

Mew ( these babies are so adorable can I kiddnap them ohhh god I love them so much I just want to keep them for myself but they have parents I can't just take them , let's enjoy the moment for now ) .

Mews pov -

Saint and zee were talking and talking and honestly I wasn't interested in there romantic chat so I  decided to see the sleeping babies they are so adorable I don't know when I feel asleep after a while zee woke me and told we have arrived honestly I was shocked it is the same place I saw in the pictures of my wife yes dam it is the same building , zee told me to carry the kids and saint and zee carried there shopping bags , saint greated the security guard and the guard gave him the keys there house was on 6 th floor I must the say the place was really nice we continued walking and reached the apartment saint ringed the bell and someone opened it I was more than shocked right now it was my wife my baby gulf standing in front of me the man I waited four years for was standing in front of me I wanted to hug him kiss him but before I could say anything the babies in my arms woke up and got down and ran and hugged my baby .

On one's pov-

Saint - ohh gulf you are back soon .

Gulf - smiled is fear after seeing his worst nightmare in front of him , oh yes the dinner got over soon .

Earth- mamma fern hit me .

Fern - he called me brother again.

Gulf - babies I told you not to hit each other or earth baby don't call fern bro she is your sister .

Earth- pouted but I want a brother too .

Fern - me to mamma we want a brother .

Gulf - we will talk about it later go and change for now the dinner is ready .

Saint - gulf this is zee and this is mew suppisit.

Gulf similed at both of them , hello nice to met you I am gulf kanawat .

Saint - oh mew and zee please stay for dinner guys I promise gulfs food is the best.

Mew - ofcourse we would love to if gulf don't mind .

Gulf - sure why not come in .

Mew and zee were looking around it was a big apartment with a big kitchen and big hall and connected to the hall were four bedroom.

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