23| meeting sage

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Yesterday was a mess. Today is going to be messier. Sage was coming over today and then we were going to go to his place. Sage. My future husband. I groaned, getting up, stretching. I took a quick shower looking at the time.

Ten, Sage was going to be here any minute now. I quickly dressed and pulled my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs. Grabbing an apple I walked outside.

"Take care and don't do anything stupid. Maybe take a gun with you." Romeo called out from behind me.

"I'll be fine, asshole." I called back, turning the door handle.

Sage was built perfectly. There was no doubt about that. His perfect jawline, muscular build, broad shoulders, deep voice and goofy smile just added to the appeal. I walked towards him and smiled. "Hello 아름다운." [Beautiful: Korean] my cheeks warmed. I had no idea what he said, but it sounded hot.

"Where do you live?" I asked, getting into the passenger seat.

"Ah, just er about an hour away."

I shrugged. "So your family lives in Korea?" I questioned.

"Yes, Yes. The headquarters were there before we expanded here."

"So now you're the boss?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"My 아버지 won't pass down the title to me until I'm married." [Korean: Father]

"No offense, he sounds like an asshole."

He rolled his eyes. "He can be a little harsh." I nodded.

"So. How do you feel about all this? I mean you don't even know me and you agreed to a marriage with me." He shrugged.

"I'd rather it'd be me than my siblings. In a way, you did that too right? I mean, if it wasn't you, it would've probably been one of your other siblings marrying me."

"I guess so, I'm glad they get to choose who they marry." I leaned back on my seat and enjoyed the breeze.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Sage said, breaking the silence.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Who is this Jake guy?" He blurted out. I looked at him with shock.

"Ja-jake? Oh he's just a business partner, nothing more." I saw his jaw clench.

"He owns some part of your restaurant, yes?"

I nodded. "Yes, but I don't-"

"I will be buying his half."

"That's absurd, you can't do that. Jake's a great guy and he's really friendly and nice and-" Sage's grip on the wheel tightened.

"Seems to me he's too friendly." I gaped at him. "You were nice a second ago, what the fuck Sage?"

"You are going to be my wife, Yes? You deserve nothing but the best, but I will not have little flirts hanging around you all the time." I huffed and fell back on the seat.

"He doesn't like me like that." I told Sage.

"We'll see." Is all he said before we came to a stop in front of his house. "You live alone?" I questioned as he opened the door.

"Yes." He replied stiffly.

I went inside and looked around. The house looked more of an art museum than a home. I ran my hands over some five statues as Sage appeared in front of me. "Wine?"

"Trying to get me drunk?" I joked in hopes of lightening the mood.

"Water it is then."

I sighed. "Oh c'mon don't be an ass. I was joking." He pursed his lips in a thin line.

"Here, drink."

I sipped the glass of water and fell onto the couch.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm not used to giving or being given affection. My father wasn't the most affectionate person and my mother left us after Darius was born."

"It's fine." I mumbled under my breath. "Do you, er, want a tour of this place? Or would you rather go for a walk? It's beautiful this time of day."

I shrugged. "A walk sounds nice." He grabbed his coat and handed it to me. I shrugged it on as we made our way outside.

"Do you want to hold hands?" He whispered, looking flustered. I grabbed his hand and entwined it with my own.

"Do you take walks often?"

"I prefer to run. The fields where I lived in Korea were beautiful,lush green during springtime. It was the best time of the year."

I smiled goofily. "That sounds great. I would love to visit Korea sometime."

"When we go there, I'll take you everywhere. My childhood house, my favourite place, this little Menola shop that was near my house."

"Sounds great." I bumped his shoulder with mine. "For now, I'll show you a Gelato place I love."

I dragged him around till we reached the small shop tucked at the corner of the street.

"After you eat this, you're never going back to eating normal ice-cream again. Are you ready?"

"Sure, let's go."


"That was the best thing ever." Sage groaned and patted his stomach in appreciation.

"I can't go back to eating ice-cream now. You have spoiled my taste buds" he pointed an accusing finger at me and I laughed.

His head tilted towards the window, anyone could see the light glow highlighting his cheeks, but it didn't feel natural. I reached out and cupped his right cheek in my hand.

"What-what are you doing?" He was getting freaked out now.

I pressed on it lightly and dragged my finger across his cheek, revealing a dark blue bruise. "He hits you, doesn't he?" I moved forward quietly.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about." His voice betrayed him.

"This isn't okay, you know? This doesn't make you or break you. You're brave for standing it for god knows how long, but you're also a coward, for not telling anyone sooner." I whispered sadly.

"I know." I reached forward and I did something I never thought I'd do.

I kissed him.

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