13| restaurant businesses

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Light hit my eyes directly when I opened my eyes. I quickly closed them again. It took only a few seconds to realize that I had left the curtains open last night. The clock read 07:26 A.M.

I got out of my bed and stretched. I opened the windows and was quickly hit with a light breeze. The day was clear and the wind was slow. I took a deep breath. Today will be a good day.

Apparently not. I brushed my teeth and took a warm shower. I got dressed and quickly pat-dried my hair with a towel. Downstairs, my siblings, apart from Ace, Genevieve and Romeo, were eating breakfast. I went over and joined them.

"Good morning, everyone." I greeted.

I could hardly make out the response from everyone, mouths filled with food.

I laughed and picked up a toast. "You didn't go with the others?" Carina asked.

I shook my head. "Got other things to do today."

Thankfully, I wasn't questioned further. While everyone was busy with their own conversations, I used that time to think. I was so close to achieving what I wanted. On my own. Independently.

I smiled to myself. I had been waiting for this day. I felt someone nudge me, which brought me back to reality. "What?" I asked.

"I said, where are you going today?" Layla asked, raising her eyebrows.

"None of your business. Eat your breakfast and go to school."

She let out a scoff but didn't say anything further. After breakfast was over, we all bid our farewells and my siblings went to school. I hopped into my car and drove to the bank.

Once I was there, I got out of my car and went inside. The staff escorted me into a waiting room. I sat there tapping my foot, waiting for them to finish with other clients. The only thing I was thinking about was, 'Right now, I'm not Amara Di Angelo. I'm Amara. Just Amara.'

Fifteen minutes passed, when finally it was time for me to go. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants. "Good morning ma'am. How may I help you?" I was asked.

"Uh, hi. I would like to check my Account balance." 

The worker nodded before taking my details and some signatures. "Right this way ma'am." She led me to a cabin-like office. "Please sit ma'am. It will not take long."

I nodded and sat down, while she took the seat across from me. My heart threatened to burst out of my ribcage. "We're all done ma'am. And your account balance is...600k, currently along with some additional funds that I can divulge into." My shoulders slumped. My heart sank. I felt like screaming.

But I quickly regained my composure. I gave the worker a quick smile. "Thank you."

She smiled back. "Anytime, ma'am." I excused myself and got out of the bank. I needed something around 850k. I was running 250k short.

Where the fuck am I going to get 250k. I shook my head, trying to think of last minute jobs that I could do to pick up the money. I fiddled with my thumbs as I suddenly bumped into someone on the sidewalk, their coffee spilling all over my blazer, making me jump back in surprise. 

I looked up to see who it was, and my eyes met some very familiar grey ones.

"You." I snarled, glaring at him. 

"Amara? Miss me?" His voice held surprise, morphing into smugness. 

"Why the fucking hell would I ever miss you?" His lips set into a pout. 

"Ouch 'mara that hurts. Right here." He said, thumping the place where his heart is, like a gorilla. 

"Get lost asshole. I don't have time for you." I pushed past him before an arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me to his chest. My breath hitched. I immediately jerked away. 

"Don't touch me." He held hands up in surrender. 

"You want to go inside and talk?" He pointed towards the cafe as I nodded. 

"So, what's up? You seem like you're going to scream any second now." I slumped again. 

"Nothing, I- just need some cash." He raised an eyebrow. 

"Isn't your family loaded? Couldn't you get some from them?" I snorted. 

"No. I want to do this on my own, earn my own money. But it's hard to get into large amounts of cash with minimum work experience." He nodded. 

"Is this for the restaurant you've always dreamed of opening?" I smiled. 

"You remembered?" 

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I?"

I chuckled and mumbled, "Yeah, why wouldn't you?"

We sat in silence for a while. Then his head snapped up. "You can get a partner. Open a restaurant with someone!"

My head snapped up as well. "That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?" My excitement was gone soon enough. "The question is, whom?"

Jake chuckled. "That's not the question. The question is, when?"

I eyed him suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

"I'll be your partner!"

I was dumbfounded for a moment. Then, I got out of my shock. "What?" 

"I said that I can be your partner."

I scoffed. "I heard that, idiot. I meant, why though? You hate me."

Jake laughed, "who said I hate you? I don't. I never did."

The wheels in my brain turned. For some reason, I believed in him. I smirked. "Let's do it then."

He returned my smirk. "Now, answer my question. When?"

That was a start to something extraordinary.

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