Drink and Drive 'Crazy'!

Start from the beginning

"but you left jungkook,you would do the same fitful times,i begged you to stay but eventually you left."she looked away "i know for a fact that nobody would stay back with me jeon,so let's end this one time thing here,and lets just be the friends alike before."she spat out cutting my heart into pieces,ONE TIME THING?

"SERIOUSLY Y/N?,you anticipate it to be a one time thing?,i kissed you because i wanted to,i knew and still know my feelings for you,i would never play with you anytime just to have a  so called 'ONE TIME THING WITH YOU', i have and can do with plenty of girls if i intended to.So just for you confirmation i would never be standing here listening to the shit you are spitting if i wouldn't care and stay with you."i sighed,pushing my hair back.

"stop hiding your feelings,just for that fucking sake of your past and your fucking ex,reflect on people who are considerate about you,and fucking for once come out of your trances and be a mature fucking girl and accept your feelings,DON'T RUN AWAY,like you always do."i growled angrily,a tear rolled down her eyes,my heart of hearts wanted to wipe it off and hug her nevertheless i stood there leaving my ego control me for once.

i was pissed out of my mind,enraged,displeased,furious,every sucking thing you can mention about the fact that she was trying to white wash her feelings,when she cherished every path we had been together,these gesture seemed ridiculous.

"jungkook,please liste--"

"no,y/n,come to me once you've decided with your heart and have left your past be past,even if the response is negative i'll gladly accept if you have moved on for good."i dissipated away.


"dude,calm down,you are making me dizzy by strolling around."

"shut up lia,i fucked up everything"

"y/n,you didn't,you're just overreacting"she rolled her eyes "you just kissed each other it's no big deal"

"oh,it is.he's serious about this whole thing"
"and are you not?"

"i-i-i don't know."i gulped halting beside the couch.

"what do you feel about him? do you not like him?" 

"i do?,i don't?,i shouldn't?"i bit my inner cheek

"and why shouldn't you?"her arms crossed

"because,my ex-,i don-t i -actually-friend."i placed myself on the couch,rubbing my thumbs aggressively,words didn't make their way to my mind.

"y/n calm down,it's not your fault your ex turned out the way he is now,i can absolutely accept your situation,i know you don't want to believe in anyone,i know you are scared but how long do you think you can stay this way?,stop blaming yourself for something which was not your fault,plus you know for a fact that jungkook is a good person and he genuinely likes you,moreover you do too."sigh"move on y/n,move on from your past and give someone who is genuine a chance"

"i think he just pities me."she scoffed

"conclude all these facade y/n,you definitely know he doesn't pity you,he loves you and so do you" do i?I DO,I FUCKING DO.

"okay,let me get this straight."she said turning towards me,"you like him?"i nodded my head vigorously 

"i think i like him,no-i know i like him"i paused"VERY MUCH,and that's why i feel this all so fucked up."i clutched my hair

"why is it fucked up?it all just as clear as water."she chuckled not believing my words

"cause,i had promised myself that i would never get into these shits again."i sighed gulping down a glass of water.

"hymph--look y/n,i'm not trying to shoot you towards your decision,i want you to clear up your mind,i want you to think what's best for you,you know how carefully he has been with you all these time,i would advise you to listen to your heart and not your mind.give everything a thought,do it before it's too late,or you hurt yourself and every one else with you" she stated caressing my hand.

"i should talk to him,i can't runaway from this anymore."i sighed,she hugged me

"everything is gonna be okay."


"jungkook-ah give it a break,you've been breaking your bones"taehyung yelled at me

"jungkkok-ah,talk to us,don't be fiendish."jin hyung ordered,dropping the ball i moved towards them grabbing my drink.

"hyung,you guys should go."i uttered looking away

"we didn't rot an hour in your borin basketball court to hear this"tae pulled me up."the sky's already pitch black and could rain any moment,put an end to this toddler behavior and proceed.

"hyung,i want to drink.can we get a beer before we reach home?"

"jungkook-ah you never drink.let's do something else to cheer you up,for now let's just leave"

"please,hyung i really want to,just please."


"wohooo, hey,babygirl,wassup?,wanna me join for a drink?i love you."

"jungkook,are you okay?,are you drunk?where are you?"

"no,i-i-am no drink.,i love you,see i can stand straight....OUCH! i love you."he tripped hitting his leg to the table,with other two guys handling him

"jungkook,bun,where are you?,who's there with you?"she asked

"oh me,there's here a roof,and a tabLe it similAr, there's a short guy and a dead body on table,oh i know,short,i know,it's jimin,Baby, JIMINSHIII"he went over to hug him.

"OOPPPSSS...wait,i'm sorry jiminshiiii,i'm on an impotantu call, you know businessue,oh,hello baby girl,i love you."he said shushing jimin while he placed his index on his lips.

"jungkook-ah,you are drunk,you should slee-"

"NO,no,i no sleep,oh a 'typo' sorry My MisTake,it's 'i don't sleep'."

"jungkook-ah it's not a typo,you are on a call."she chuckled

"oh!!!,you are intelligent babygirl, i-i-i,shit,i was going to tell something amazing,i forgot."he stuttered holding his hand near his face in a remembering manner.

"oh yeah,i like you for that,no-cut that,another take,LIGHTS........CAMERA.......ACTION,....I LOVE YOU.,hehe,owhoo,haha"he scowled through the phone lying on the ground making weird facials.

"hello,y/n,this is yoongi,he's dead ass drunk,don't mind him and rest,we'll take care of him."i said snatching the phone away."hyunggggggg.....npooo...i talk needdd,my y/n.....,i love you."

"oh,i got a hint,don't worry,i'll end the call,please take care,and is he fine?"

"yea,except that he is lunatic and killing everyone in the room with his high pitched voice,everything is fine,you shouldn't worry." "owwiiee,hyung,you are soo cute,like a ---ummm...cat yea exactly cat...." "okay y/n high time i need to cut the call,see ya,bye take care."

"yea by---"i ended the call in the middle not being able to handle the muscle man jumping over me.

"hyung,why you soo cute,i will marry you and only you."he said coming near hugging me

"jungkook-ah,if you marry me,who will marry y/n,are you giving up on her.?"

"wha-no,WAY NO,WAY NO,aisshh,NO WAY, she be my first wife,you be my side chick."he winked to receive a kick on his ass 

"ouch,hyung,you no more side chick,jimin is."he said turning towards the mentioned man.we all stood there watching the drama,helping him when he threw up and caressing him when he cried all night.well good night to you guys sleep well. ~ love yoongi <3


i'm late again,sorry XD

Stay happy and safe<3

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