consoling? more like combating.

2.7K 88 5

jin is the handsomest (;

y/n:> )

 heyy lia 

ms.handsome fan *$*

 My goodness!What's up, Lia? calling me Lia, are you okay?

Did you get hurt somewhere? Have you crashed into a car or worse, are you drunk? Would I need to rush to a hospital?

In that case, please tell me not to wear my new shoes. I don't want the smell of the hospital to seep into my shoes!

y/n:> )

What the hell was that kim fucking lia...I tried to be nice here for once and comfort you but what...

How is me being drunk worse than me getting into an accident?

Are you really concerned about those freaky shoes over me? 


Greetings to you both. Thank you sooooo much for busting my phone and also my sleep up :)

ms.handsome fan *$* :

Oh watever, get over it, you meddler! and y/n don't you dare insult my shoes they are my babies...and i take care of them with my whole life...and the only thing i want in my life is a whole rack of shoes

Yea, and the drunken thing is obvious, who would carry your stinking snotty puke around the house when you can't even handle a glass of beer. 

y/n:> ) 

Oh no..oh't bring up that matter, you mother fucker!


you both.. can you guys calm your asses down...what are you both fighting for? people are trying to sleep here... seriously,y/n you too?

y/n:> )

Yeah, sure... Nevertheless...I just wanted to inquire if this bitch was okay after what happened in the cafe, and she started all of this.


I see you pouting there, aww..!!

ms.handsome fan *$* :

YES! YES! im alright it's not like i was in love with him or something...i admired him and i still do i'm happy for him and totally not jealous about him being handsome.. so you don't have to cry for me you bitch..

How serious are you, Jungkook? You're in awe of her? That's some serious flirting you need to work on, though.


Is there any way that once in a lifetime, you can be sweet Lia? My heart is in it. i mean it.

y/n:> )

I'm done with you...! You truly stink at flirting, jungkook. I'm not going to cry for you. LOL.

ms.handsome fan *$* :

LOL...hahaha. The only fact about which you were right during this whole conversation is this: @imy/n


My god! My hatred for both of you is insatiable... Both of you did me soo badly, even though I was soo good to you. Watch out you losers! I'll be back soon!

ms.handsome fan *$* :

Hope you trip and fall off the stairs hoe!

you :

You're soooo rude're such a b****

y/n:> )

if you hadn't called us loosers then she would have gone less harsh on you and btw dont cry my kookie... i'll give you lots of cookies..

ms.handsome fan *$* :

You've solidified my pride in you, my dear *melodramatic voice*

you : 

You both disgust me so deeply, it's indescribable

Nevertheless, I'll pick you up in an hour. Be ready when I arrive

y/n:> )

That's cool, kookie! I'll be waiting for you with plenty of cookies

you :

shut up y/n.

ms.handsome fan *$* :

I agree, stop it... Sush, you're making the baby cry...

you left the chat

y/n:> ) added you back to the chat

y/n:> ) 

Sorry! Okay..! OK, I will wait for you. Bye guys.

you :


ms.handsome fan *$* :

Don't be a pouty jerk...cya...bye


This is just some filler for you guys, so I hope you enjoyed it

Stay safe and healthy.

love and crosses JJK *READEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant