stepping stones.

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I finally found out that Jungkook had found the lid to the banana milk near his locker a week after the contents had been left, and he even offered me a peculiar thank you: "I was just kidding you about the banana milk", he said.

"Okay, I'll just return it, I'll drink it myself."

He said "Wow, now it's mine and you can't take it back" in an accusatory tone of voice. "Thanks would have been more appropriate" I mocked him and rolled my eyes.

I smiled to myself as I remembered that little conversation.

As the popular guy of the university, he was well known for his looks, his basket ball skills, games, arts, dance, music, and what not, although he started college just some months after, he had made his mark on the campus It was impossible to find a girl who didn't know him and drool over him, the 'popular girls' were always vying for his attention, but i had never seen him giving it back or actually being with someone other than his group of boys friends..

Despite his overindulgence, he captured my attention by giving way more than was necessary. Despite admiring his way of being and his physique, I never expected him to approach me so personally over a simple banana milk. As a result of the locker room incident and presentation, he began talking to me more, sitting next to me or behind me as he does now.

My role resulted in me sitting between Jungkook and Lia, discussing only one topic, which was Kim Soekjin. Lia who had seemed to be me r friend had now neglected me and was busy collecting information about her crush.. i had no idea why jungkook was so eager to tell her about his hyung. either he wanted to be friends with her or he wanted to torture his hyung.

As I sighed again, I lowered my back into my seat and straightened my neck. Yelling 'yaaaaah' as they both whimpered like kids, I abruptly shoved them in their seats until the professor entered.

After jungkook sat in front of me the first time, Lia was shocked, as it seemed like he wanted to be near me, but her brilliant mind turned it into the chance to get to know her crush. This allowed me to successfully avoid the boring class to the end.

When all the students rushed out of the class i were standing with i r best friend and a good friend, as i made it to the corridor, "y/n, are i going alone? could I join i ?"?In response to Jungkook's question as i tried to pull i rself from i r thoughts about dramas to watch, i frowned confused and replied, "why would i do that?"? I pointed to i r best friend, adding, "plus I have to go with this entire ass lady." "Oh yeah, yea but um i know my friend lives near where i do so, I thought we could maybe go together "he stuttered scratching his back, as if this was a cue,

Lia said, giving a small smile, "umm yea, sorry, I can't make it today, I have a friend to meet at the cafe.". Even though I was skeptical, I accepted both requests. The result of seeing jungkook's wide smile made me shrug once again thinking that it was all in my head.

What's your plan for today?Pacing alongside me, he asked

"Ahhhh..."! Nothing much, maybe a little drama and a little sleep, my only two loves" i smiled at me

"What a bore!" he whispered under his breath hoping i wouldn't hear

"Uh-huh?" I replied 


"Nothing, wanna go there?" he asked, pointing at the park opposite the road.

"You wanna go?" she asked, not knowing why he would suddenly want to go to a park

"Yes, lets go" he said and crossed the street without waiting for your response

Every path of the park was occupied as you spoke about his and your childhood to the kids playing there. From ants to dinosaurs, you discussed it all. about his friends and yours. it was past half an hour of you both walking around let slipping of the time you guys seemed to enjoy each others company. laughing and kidding around pushing and pulling each other hitting his arm playfully every time he made a comment on you being shorter than him.him ruffling your hair whenever you made a sarcastic comment on both enjoyed.

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