Meredith sighed. "I'm getting the feeling that I'm being kicked out of my own room," she frowned.

"And she finally gets it," Mark said with a nod. "Thanks, Grey, I appreciate it."

Meredith rolled her eyes as she stood. "Whatever," she said as she walked out the door and through the open one across the hall. "Hey," she said as she walked in and collapsed onto Derek's bed.

"Hey," he said happily, turning away from the textbook spread out in front of him on his desk. "So Addison bought Mark's plan?"

"Apparently," Meredith frowned. "They're going out with her parents."

Derek shook his head. "I can't believe Mark's doing this," he said.

"Doing what?" Meredith asked. "Sleeping with Addison?"

"No, that I believe," Derek said with a laugh. "It's the relationship part I'm surprised about."

"Why?" Meredith asked curiously.

"He just...he grew up alone, his parents were always gone. By the time we met, my mom always made me bring him home so that he wouldn't have to be in his house by himself, but at that point there was a certain amount of damage that was already done."

"Oh," Meredith said softly. "Is you think..." she bit her lower lip, trying to figure out how to phrase her question.

"What, Mer?"

"He's me," she said softly. "He...grew up alone, without any parents or siblings or friends. Except he was lucky enough to find you."

Derek looked at her closely for a moment before he sighed and moved to sit on the bed beside her, putting a gentle arm around her. "You found me too, Mer," he whispered gently.

"I know," she nodded. "I's hard for me to be in a relationship. And Mark's the same way, and I don't know if Addison knows about that and she probably wouldn't have pressured him if she'd known..."

"Mer, it's okay," Derek whispered softly. "You don't need to worry about Addison and Mark. That's their problem."

"Yeah," she whispered. "Um...I guess I should worry about me?"

"That would be good," Derek nodded.

"Okay," Meredith breathed, taking a deep breath. " what does my romantic life look like?"

Derek inhaled sharply, not having expected her question so quickly. "Meredith," he said softly. "You know how I feel about you. We're going at your pace, so whatever happens next is your call."

She nodded, thinking for a moment before she whispered, "Slow."

"Hmmm?" Derek asked, ignoring his pounding heart at the thought that he might get exactly what he wanted from Meredith.

"Can we just take this slow?" Meredith asked. "Because I want to be with you, Derek, I do, but I'm not sure I'm entirely ready to just throw myself into a relationship when I've never been able to trust anyone before."

Derek leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "We can take it as slow as you want," he replied.

"So where does that leave us?" she asked.

Derek was silent for a moment before he whispered, "How about this? We don't change anything about our relationship, but we'll say that we won't date anyone else."

"Okay," Meredith replied. "I can do that."

"Good," Derek replied. "Because I'm pretty sure I couldn't be held responsible for what I did to anyone you dated anyways."

Meredith giggled. "Of course not," she replied. "You're my big strong cave man."

Derek smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. "I just don't think I would be able to control my rage at seeing you with any other man," he said.

"I wouldn't be able to do that either," Meredith admitted quietly. "Watching you date another girl...I would have hated that."

"Good," Derek nodded firmly. "Now that that's settled, what do you want to do tonight?"

"I think you said something about dinner earlier today?" Meredith questioned.

"I did," Derek said with a nod.

"Is that offer still on the table?" Meredith flirted.

"I think I can manage it," Derek smiled. "You think you're allowed back into your room to get dressed yet?"

Meredith shrugged as she looked down at her pajama pants and T-shirt. "You mean we can't wear pajamas?" she asked with a dramatic sigh.

"Well, we can stay in if you like," Derek laughed as he squeezed her gently. "I don't mind cooking for you."

"Mmmmm," Meredith breathed. "Lasagna?"

"Of course," Derek replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "Mer?"


"I'm glad you're not dating anyone else."

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