I saw out of the corner of my eye Evans facial expression change upon seeing my mate. Evans eyes were wide and his mouth parted in shock.

And then I remembered that he hadn't seen Colin since our teenage years.

"Daddy!" Marley squealed in excitement, letting go of her uncles hand and running over to Colin. I could tell my mother wanted to do the same, and fawn over Colin's new black eye that he was sporting. I would have to ask him about it, though I already had a pretty good idea with what had happened. My mother was stopped by my father, thankfully.

As soon as Marley reached where the guards were, one of them grabbed her by the shoulders, hauling her back a few feet.

I could hear the low growl that Colin, James and Tilly made, which mixed with one of my own.

Colin was my mate, so in a way, my wolf saw Marley as my daughter too.

"Be patient!" The guard barked at her. She looked like she was in the middle of either tearing up or fighting the guard. Everyone jumped as one of the other guards from behind Colin kicked behinds his knees, making them buckle out from under him.

I felt both my fathers and Evans hands on each of my shoulders. Though both of there faces looked horrified.

We all watched as Colin was forced down to his knees in front of his daughter. He hissed in pain as the guard that kicked him put his hand on Colin's shoulder and bent it back painfully. Colin kept his eyes and head tilted to the ground, his eyes screwed tightly shut.

"Dad!" Marley said, almost reaching out but stopping herself. Colin clenched his teeth and fists from within his handcuffs.

"4926 is still a dangerous prisoner!" The guard snapped, it was the one who pushed Marley away. Colin's brother looked frozen in fear. It's was so much so that it didn't look like he was breathing. Christian had to wrap an arm around him to bring him back to earth.

James glared at the guard and stepped forward towards Marley.

"Halt!" The same guard yelled at James, which made his jaw tick but his movements stop.

As soon as one of the other guards removed Colin's handcuffs and the four of them backed away, Marley came barreling for her dad. Her arms clung to his neck and his arms wound around her waist.

He was still on his knees and there were bruises on his wrists but he didn't seem to care. Bruising on the wrists proved to be a rather common thing in prison I've found.

Colin breathed heavily and his shoulders slightly un-tensed for the first time since coming here. He probably wouldn't fully let his guard down until he was home at his pack base.

"I'm here, Marls," He said quietly into his daughters messy hair as she cried into his shoulder, "I'm here. It's okay now."

"Who's that?" Evan whispered to me, looking at Colin and Marley who were still clinging to each other. Spencer eventually made his was over slowly to the two of them, keeping an eye on the four guards.

"Marley, Colin's daughter. A-And that's Spencer, Colin's little brother," I whispered quietly to him.

Evan nodded slowly, looking a bit surprised but he hid it well.

Colin reaches out his other arm to hug Spencer, who's lip was quivering.

"Oh, they all look just like Colin," Mom said, and I nodded slowly.

"That's Marley, and Spencer. And then Tilly, Christian and James, his betas. They're all white wolves," I said, looking over to see my parents reaction.

"Colin's their missing Alpha," My dad said in awe, putting a hand on his chin in thought.

"Alpha?" Mom asked and my dad nodded.

"James contacted me saying that if we don't threaten his pack then they won't do the same, and Evan and I agreed. James said that him and his two other betas were very busy with other things because their Alpha was away," Dad explained and I nodded.

"Let's go home," Tilly said as Colin got to his feet with Christians help.

Colin gave his betas each a nod after he hugged Spencer tightly. He picked up Marley and heading to the door. My family followed behind quickly but I kind of froze when a camera clicked and flashed as soon as Tilly and James walked out the door.

About twenty people with cameras crowded outside on the sidewalk and parking lot, most shouting Colin's name and other yelling questions to him. Colin's face remained emotionless as his daughter put her head in his shoulder and he continued to walk to a black sports car. Tilly, Christian and James immediately made a makeshift boarder around Colin, Spencer and Marley as the paparazzi crowded them.

'Keep your head down and get home, go see your pack,' Colin said through our mind link, 'I'll come visit in a few days.'

I sent him a smile and nodded before taking my mothers hand.

A/N: thank you so much for reading this book! 

I'm going to post 2 more extras after this here in a bit so stay tuned for those.

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