Javier was holding me down as he yelled things at me, which made me snap out of my daze. My eyes almost slid closed again but I forced them to stay open and tune the guards out.

I knew I wasn't supposed to come to Graysons aid, but I had to try.

When I was hit by the barrel of a gun on my nape, it sent me crashing to the ground. I hissed as the handcuffs dug into my wrists and small of my back.

After a few minutes of me lying on the cold cement, the guards nearly drag me to my feet.

My shoes scuff on the concrete as I was pulled backwards. That's when my whole body started to shake.

I knew the hall that they were leading me too. One of the guards grunted and pulled the cuffs, causing them to painfully dig into my raw wrists and lower back.

"Where are you taking him?" I asked, glaring at the guards closest to me.

Javier smirks at me before his face fades into an expressionless mask. Behind me, a prisoner knocks on their cell door. I knew that it was Trevor by the way force was put on the glass.

Trevor and Dylan would take care of Gray, I knew that. So I didn't press the bitch for a valid answer.

He threw me into my new cell and took the cuffs off of me. I took a deep breath and rubbed the raw parts of my wrists.

I wasn't in the XS seggie unit, thank the goddess. But this seggie cell still might as well be a coffin.

It's a windowless, cement box, filled with dry stale air. The door is twice as thick as the other cell doors, and there's a slat in the middle where guards will push my food through. In one corner, there's a thin cot. On the other end of the cell is a cracked, molding toilet and a matching sink.

That's it.

No notebooks or reading material.

My life has been condensed back down into a six foot by six foot cement room. And this time I'm almost sure it's permanent.

I shuffle backwards until I hit a wall, and then I slowly slide down it. My legs were sprawled out in front of me and I leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes.

"I really didn't bet on seeing you again Skyes, but like they always say, once a felon, always a felon," Javier said, standing in the doorway of the dark cell.

"This is still about West, isn't it?" I said, not really asking.

West was Javier's brother-in-law, they worked here together as prison guards believe it or not. I actually liked West, he was one to follow the rules, stay out of your business and never judged you based on your convictions. I was actually pretty good acquaintances with him, maybe friends but I am not sure.

Though, he met his end one of the many times I spirealed. I started a riot and he got killed in it.

"Of course it is," He spat at me as he stepped forward and grabbed my collar, pulling on it roughly, "You got him killed!"

"You don't think I know that!" I growled, narrowing my eyes at him, "You think that I wanted to kill him?!"

"If you didn't, he would still be here," Javier yelled back, thrusting my collar back into the cement wall and storming out of the room. The door slid and latched shut behind him, making me sigh in slight relief.

At that point, I'm too exhausted to do anything but sleep.

The nightmares were bad that night.

I found myself in a valley. The grass was long and the sun was too bright overhead. We were surrounded by trees.

"Col, come on! Stop standing around!" My friend Marley yelled jokingly from in front me. Hunter, West and Haden both were running around in front of us.

Though it was younger versions of them, teenagers.

Soon I realized that I was also in my teenager body too.

Marley grabbed my arm with a large smile. I didn't speak but I nodded slowly and let him tug me into the middle of the valley. There was nothing but giggling and laughter.

And then there was a low growl coming from the trees.

And then there was screaming.

And then there was blood.

And then, I didn't have them anymore.

In the following days in confinement, I settle into a routine. Waking up early, exercising until the guards drop off food at 7 AM. It was similar to what I do when I'm waiting for lunch, between that, and dinner.

There isn't much else to do, and sleep doesn't come very easily.

Every time I shut my eyes, I'm assaulted with the memories of faces of those I left behind. I see Marley and Hunter a lot. My daughter and Grayson were here and there, which were the ones that kept me up the most.

As time goes on, I can feel myself slipping into the abyss of paranoia and insanity. My skin grows paler then usual after not seeing the sun for days. The skin under my eyes darkens into a deep, depressed purple from my sleepless nights.

I don't know why the government think solitary confinement would do something positive to someone.

It really doesn't.

When the guards come, I do my best to let my hatred bleed through to them. They aren't allowed to speak to me since I was deemed too dangerous for conversation. Because of this, I don't try to speak with them, but I glared at them every chance I got.

Other than that, I have no interactions with anyone.

And if my misery means my mates safety, I am willing to live in this cell until I am nothing but a pile of bones. Grayson doesn't need to experience what it's like to be in solitary.

Hell, he didn't need to find out what it's like in prison in general.

I lose track of the days that pass, but I'm certain it's been over a week. For the first time, a guard speaks to me as he hands me my lunch.

"Happy thanksgiving," He says quietly, turning on his heel to leave before I can say anything.

Five days later, it was my 27th birthday.

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