Once Hunter shuts the door I let out a long sigh, plopping myself on the bed. Millions of questions flooded my head.

How long do I need to stay here?

Will dad visit me?

What about school?

What if I fuck up at one point?

What do I tell Sebastian!? Wait, no... How do I tell Sebastian? I don't even know if I have my phone! Oh god.

My thoughts are interrupted as a loud voice comes from outside the door of my room.

"Dylan? Can I come in?" Jaxon questions.

"Yeah," I reply.

He opens the door and walks into the room carrying the suitcase with no struggle.

"Wheel broke, had to carry it up,"

"Oh sorry, should have brought a better one" I look away. Out of the window. All to be seen are trees and more trees. They literally have a forest for a garden.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's not your fault," He says. He walks over and sits himself down beside me on the bed.

"What do you think?"

"Of the room? I like it"

"Good, I'm glad you do" He smiles.

After a few moments of silence, I speak up. "Um, Jaxon?"

"Yes?" He asks eagerly.

"Can I um... Would I be able to phone a friend? Tell him I won't be back for a little while?"

"I don't know, Dylan, I'm not supposed to-"

"Please?" I whine, looking straight into his eyes.

"Okay, here, I'll be back in ten minutes, don't tell Greyson, let me," He passes me his phone.

Like fuck I would tell Greyson.

"Use my phone to call your friend. Then do some unpacking, dinner should be ready by then," He states, standing up.

"Thank you"

"No worries darl- Dylan"

I don't question him as he walks out.

I quickly pull up the phone app and start to type in Sebastian's number.

After a few rings, he finally answers.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Sebastian, it's me. Dylan,"

"Dylan! Why are you calling me from a random phone? Who's phone is this?"

"I- Look, Sebastian. Basically, now don't pass out, or overreact-"

"Get on with it,"

"I was sent somewhere-"


"Like an institution,"

"What? Why?"

"Calm down, listen, Sebastian, it's because of my anger. My father thought it would be best, and I'd already met with Jaxon and then my dad did and I guess he made up his mind, so for now, I'm sadly stuck here. I'm guessing my dad might have forgotten to pack my phone, so I couldn't call you on my phone, I have no clue what he took out or put in" I blurt out.

"YOU WHAT?" he shouts.

"I did tell you not to overreact!" I whisper yell.

"Oh my god, my best friend is officially a nut case,"

"Look maybe talk to my dad, he'll tell you everything. I'm sorry Sebastian"



"I fucking told you something like this would happen! You didn't listen! And now you're gone, for god knows how long, and I'm left here!"

"Oh yeah like I was supposed to know!"

"Oh grow up, Dylan!"

"Grow up!?"


"I didn't mean... I didn't mean for anything to happen, not this! If I knew, I wouldn't have gone out drinking, or got in a fight or any of it!"

"But you still did,"

"Why are you saying this?"


"Well me too, Sebastian. Me too!"

"Fine, I've got homework"

"Bye," He says.

He hangs up the phone.

Well, that didn't go at all how I wanted it to.

Now Sebastian is pissed at me.

I wish the world would just swallow me up!

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