Act 1, Part 5, Chapter 9

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As if he had been doing something wrong his entire life. And only now, in the middle of having his life and his relationship with danger upheaved, did it feel the way it should.

He tried to think of days to come, of going back to minding the City's failed Crafters. The idea of watching them burn themselves away until he had to put them down — as much for their own sakes as for everyone around them — left him sick to his stomach. He remembered the last reject he had struck down; a young woman, possibly younger than the woman who had just used and left him. Too young for the pale grey eyes and ash-coloured hair and the sharp acidic smell of torched metal that she carried into the streets.

"Cam," Hendricks called out from near the town's fountain, shaking him out of his musings. Cameron stepped over, and took the small bag his fellow soldier was offering him. He opened it, surprised to see it was a second pouch of Salamander rounds.

"Put it on. Our new lieutenant seems to think we need to start carrying more rounds into engagements," Hendricks explained. "Sounds like we'll be expected to hold."

"Hold?" Cameron asked. He let himself think of how it felt, killing Gloamtaken. A single one was little danger to even someone like Roderick, whose life experience in combat was fighting his older brothers. Outnumbered several to one, even someone like Mack needed to be careful. And just from a casual glance earlier, Cam was fairly certain the oncoming mob outnumbered Barleybarrel.

"We channel them between the buildings, so we're only facing them head-on and every shot hits two of those ash-bitten things. The Rangers' demolition crews have already set explosives in all the outward facing buildings, so if we can't hold in one spot we block their advance with a hundred tons of rubble. Volenski and Varnell just briefed us, seriously Cam, what were you doing?"

Cam might have made a joke about 'who he was doing'. Part of him wanted to. But not knowing her name left him sick to his stomach, regretting it as if he had missed out on something important.

"Suspect he was making sure the people of Barleybarrel were all sequestered in the south end of town, behind the second layer of defences," Mackaroy said from behind him, surprising Cam by coming to his defence.

"Can't fault a soldier for following orders. Especially since Redgrave and Aranhall went after that kid who went wandering in the fields," Hendricks said. "Anyway, lieutenant's orders are to double-up on the amount of ammo you're carrying, and check your equipment."

"If anyone asks," Mackaroy replied, as Cameron attached to pouch to his belt. "Cam and I need to go check on Vincent. We'll be back soon."

Cameron flinched as if Mack had just wound up to hit him. If there was anyone in the City he didn't want to see, wasn't sure if he ever wanted to see again, it was Olivia Polden's apprentice.

But Mack put a firm hand on his shoulder, steered him around, and pushed him into motion. Sullenly, but without any real resistance, Cameron let himself be steered away. Hendricks was frowning as they left, but didn't offer any help to Cam's unspoken plea.

Mack lead them without a word until they were will out of earshot. "We need to talk, and I need you to see something."

"Mack," Cameron began. "If this is about leaving Vincent alone, I don't really want to hear it."

Mack looked back at him, just for a moment, before he turned away again. It was left to Cameron's imagination to paint the old shadow's expression. "This is important. If things go sour here, if the Rangers aren't enough to hold the Gloamtaken back, we have one last option. And you can throw yourself into the Gloam, right now, if you think I'm not going to use him."

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