Chapter 25

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•Back with Jinjin & (Y/n)•

•Third Person POV•

Redd had ran into her bedroom with (Y/n); locking the door. 
Jinjin and Silver yelled while running down the hall way.

"(Y/n)-chan please don't let Redd-san touch you!!" "Yeah! Redd! Think about your fiance, Moxie!! She'll be very disappointed in you!!" Jinjin stared at Silver.

"FIANCE??" "Yes, she's out of town right now...Redd has done nothing but cheat on her...sometimes flirt with others openly..." Jinjin gasped as they arrived at the door Redd locked.

Silver fiddles with the handle. "Dang it! It's locked" "....move out the way" "why~" Jinjin broke down the door with a heavy kick.

When they peaked inside, Redd was busy tickling (Y/n). Jinjin and Silver sighed in relief upon seeing them not doing anything.

Silver quickly ran towards Redd pulling her off of (Y/n).

Jinjin took (Y/n). Silver knocked out Redd. "Is it really okay to hit your sister like that??" "Well...I mean...Redd...Redd is quite...She's...Too much, anyways..."

30 Seconds Later•

Silence had filled the air for the past 30 seconds. "Uh...well, ...we'll see you in the morning..I guess..." Silver awkwardly nodded as they left.

The Next Morning•

(Still Third Person POV)

Jinjin hastily made her way down to Redd's bedroom to see...(Y/n) and Redd...kissing....

(Y/n) was wrapped up in her hold, snuggling as Redd started to move down to her neck, litering light kisses before sucking on her sweet spot.

Jinjin watched in horror as Redd started to unbutton her polo shirt, (y/n) blushing with a flustered grin on her face.

Jinjin started to breath heavily as Redd laid (Y/n) down...on the table before starting to hover over her, showing her cleavage...

Jinjin opened her eyes wide gasping for air. She was having trouble breathing. "LADY (Y/N) NOOO~" She screamed before stopping and looking around the room.


' was just a dream'
Jinjin sighed in relief before yawning and stretching her legs.

She looked around the room again remembering the events from yesterday. "Oh my Solomon!!! MY BACK!!!!" She groaned.

'I had to sleep in a chair in (Y/n)'s room just because she was so disoriented...Yesterday was the worst day of my life...! So many stupid things happened!!!' She thought feeling the tears well up in her eyes.

She quickly wiped them away before starting her day.

She stood up from the chair stretching more looking over to the bed where (Y/n)...was supposed to be...

Jinjin gasped seeing (Y/n) was gone. She shook her head in horror, scanning the room once more. "Noooo" Jinjin ran out the room banging on Redd's door.

No answer.

She started to panic, running through all the halls calling out "(Y/n)-chan!" She called a couple more times before hearing a voice cut her off.

"SHUT UP!" "It's too early in the morning for this, Lady!" Jinjin gulped. "I-i...I'm sorry...I was just looking for my frien~" "SHUT UP!" "We don't care-just SHUT UP" Jinjin walked away feeling personally attacked

'I hope it wasn't Kouha-sama who took her...that wouldn't be good...' she bit her lip continuing through the halls before hearing voices...from...the dining hall...?

She hastily made her way down to the room seeing other guests eating breakfast.

Jinjin scanned the dinning room before seeing (Y/n), Silver, and Redd sitting at a table eating together.

•Jinjin POV•

I quickly made my way over to their table.

"(Y/n)-chan" "Oh, Jin-chan, hello!! Me and Silver-san were just talking" I saw Redd with her head in her cereal...literally..

Her head was in the bowl, drowning... and (Y/n)-chan had her apple juice spilled out on her eggs...they must still be hungover..

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