Chapter 28

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•Third Person POV•

[A/n: This is still the night before Jinjin and (Y/n) leave the hotel] 

Judar and Hakuryuu were walking down the castle hallways. Hakuryuu sighed, he couldn't take listening to Judar anymore. 

Judar kept going on about how the both of them should take a carriage to go to Khono Empire.

Lately Judar has taken up a liking towards long carriage rides. 

Judar tried to convince Hakuryuu that the long ride would create a nice bonding experience for the two of them. He truly believed that this will fix any patches in their friendship.

But Hakuryuu didn't feel the same. Hakuryuu had thought that taking a carriage would be a waste of time. They could easily just fly on Judar's magic carpet and reach Khono Empire in a mere three hours. 

Judar and Hakuryuu continued walking throughout the castle while arguing. 
Hakuryuu had noticed a blonde haired male walking in their direction.

Hakuryuu pointed to them saying, 'you there'. The man stopped to look towards Judar and Hakuryuu. 

Hakuryuu grabbed Judar's arm and quickly dragged him towards the blonde male. 

Hakuryuu asked the man what was the fastest and most logical way to travel. The man responded saying, 'carriage' upseting Hakuryuu and making Judar grin.

Hakuyruu snapped and yelled at Judar and the man that flying on a magic carpet would be the fastest way.

Hakuryuu smacked Judar and angrily dragged him to a room with the best magic carpets.

Judar grew angry.

All he had wanted to do was spend time with his best friend. Instead of Judar voicing his opinions he stayed silent and went along with Hakuryuu's decision.

Judar decided he would later take his revenge. 

Hakuyruu picked a lovely blue and grey carpet big enough for five people. Judar stood in the corner of the room looking at all the carpets in digust.

Hakuryuu called out to Judar telling him to get on, reluctantly Judar walked over to the carpet and sat on it. He glared at Hakuryuu. 

Hakuryuu just sighed and got on.
Judar began mumbling, 'even kouha would treat me better than are nothing like Hakuei'.

Hakuryuu looked at Judar with guilt in his eyes. 

"Judar...I'm sorry. I have been a bad...friend when we get to Khono Empire and are settled in I promise you we will get to spends lots of time together and make plenty of memories"

Judar's face lightened up upon hearing hakuryuu's words.

But quickly turned away. Hakuyruu saw this and contiued speaking, 'Besides if we travel by carpet we will see the beautiful sunrise' 
Judar turned towards Hakuryuu again who was flying the magic carpet then gasped.

He had slightly read into hakuryuu's words and began imagining all types of romantic situations that could possibly happen between them.

At that Judar began to question himself 'Does Hakuryuu love that reason why he hesistates to call me a friend-OHMYSOLOMON HAKURYUU IS IN LOVE WITH ME...HOW WILL I REJECT HIM I DON'T SEE HIM AS ANYTHING MORE THAN A FRIEND-OH SOLOMONNN~'

Hakuryuu continued flying the carpet leaving Kou Empire.

As Hakuryuu turn't back to tell Judar they are almost out of Kou he saw Judar blushing and whispering to himself.

'What a weirdo' Hakuryuu thought to himself. 

•A couple Hours Later•

It is early morning and Judar and Hakuryuu have finally reached Khono Empire.

They have now made they're way to Khono Empire's Castle. 

Hakuryuu and Judar were supposed to go meet with Hakuei but Hakuryuu was so exhausted and decided that they will rest in the castle and later go speak with Emperor Takao and Hakuei. 

[A/n: This is now the day where Jinjin and (Y/n) leave the hotel but a little bit earlier in the morning]

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