Chapter 11

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Third Person POV•
Junjun and Kouha were in still in the kitchen trying to find the perfect cake to make for (Y/n). Kouha scanned threw the cookbooks tossing them aside, nearly hitting Junjun in the face.

Junjun ducked, dodging another cookbook flying towards her. Sweat dripped down her forehead. 

Kouha continued scanning and unknowingly throwing books at Junjun. Another ten minutes pass by. Irritated, Kouha intentionally threw a thick cook book at Junjun.

Junjun didn't have enought time to move this time and got hit directly in the face. *yelp* Junjun fell over in pleasure holding her face. 

"JUNJUN PLEASE TELL ME YOU FOUND A CAKE WE SHOULD BAKE FOR (Y/N)!!!" "I-YES MASTER I think Lady (Y/n) will like this cake." Junjun said, scrambling to get the cookbook she just had in her hand. 

"Here you go, Master" Kouha roughly grabbed the book and started flipping through without even thanking Junjun. Junjun stood there hoping these cakes recipes were to his liking...well to (Y/n)'s liking since the cake was for her. 

"Master?" "What" "I think I might know what cake Lady (Y/n) likes" "WHAT!? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO EARLIER ,JUNJUN!!!" "Wellll" "AH NEVERMIND THAT JUST TELL ME WHAT HER FAVORITE IS"

Junjun stood there not knowing what to say. She actually had no idea what (Y/n) favorite type of cake was. She just lied to get her Master's attention.

Kouha grew impatient. "WHAT THE H*LL ARE YOU WAITING FOR JUST TELL ME" "I-I it's..." "JUST SPIT OUT ALREADY" "I-It's STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE" "Oh...Strawberry shortcake" "Yes" "I see" Junjun sighed in relief. 'Thank goodness Master believed that lie' 

Kouha began searching through the book looking for the recipe for strawberry shortcake. "Ahah here it is" He read the list of ingredients. "Junjun" "Yes ,Master" "Go get these ingredients" "Yes, Master right away" 

~five minutes later~

"Master" "What now, Junjun" "We don't have about half of the ingredients we need to make the cake" "Well go buy them then what are you standing around wasting time for" "I-yes, Master I'll go right now" Junjun scurried out the kitchen heading to the market.

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