"Mama...I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that to you. I didn't want that to happen. I'm so so sorry" Touya felt tears threatening to leave his eyes so he blinked and let a tear go down his cheek. But the tears didn't stop after that

"Oh sweetie..." Rei walked up to him and placed her hands on his face gently, wiping away his tears while looking at him with a soft expression on her face. "It's ok I know you didn't mean it. This is new for you as well as us. We just gotta know how to deal with it that's all. Especially you. You gotta learn how to control this Touya"

"I know but it's so hard mama" he said softly as more tears fell from his eyes. He looked at her arm and felt his heart ache. He didn't know what to say except sorry. It was the only thing that seemed to make him feel a bit better but not fully better

Rei was about to say something else until they heard a soft knock at the door. "Who could that be?" Rei asked herself as she let go of Touya and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead to make him feel better and went downstairs. Everyone else following behind with Touya also walking far behind his family

When they get downstairs they heard the knock again and everyone else went to sit down as Enji got the door. They watched in silence and listened to what was being said

"Can I help you?" "Actually yes you can I'm aware you know about your son Touya" they said as they smiled wide with their hands behind their back and standing tall. "So your the one who did this to my son?" they nodded and were immediately dragged inside by Enji

"Strong grip you have there sir" they said as Enji rolled his eyes and sat with his family. Touya automatically noticed them and quickly ran to the kitchen to hide from them

"Oh come on now don't be like that. I simply came to visit to see how your holding up" they walked over to him and pulled him to the living room with his family. He followed them and sat down where they lead him and looked at them as they took a clipboard from the side pocket in their lab coat that had a piece of paper on it with a bunch of different questions on it

"Alright I know it's only really been a day but I want to see how your doing. I know this is new for you all and I'm sorry for taking your son like that but it was necessary for some experiments of mine and-" "So you thought taking my son was ok?!" they were silent for a couple minutes then they smiled wide chuckling a little bit

"Sir if you could just listen to me for a second. I know it wasn't ok but it was important. He seemed fit for this mix and I'm glad to say it went well over the span of the week he was gone. I just have to ask a few questions then I'll be on my way. Does that sound fine with you?" they looked over at Touya and he nodded

"Good. Now how have you been feeling?" "Um...ok I guess" they nodded and written his answer down as the family stayed quiet. "Anything new happen at all?" that's when Touya went quiet and his eyes got glossy but he wiped the tears away and shook his head to make it seem like nothing happened at all

"Your father's arms and your mother's wrapped wrist tells me different" Touya looked down as they spoke. "I'll ask you again. Has anything new happened at all?" "Yeah actually. You seen their arms and stuff and it makes me feel really bad to know I hurt them" they nodded and wrote it down looking back up at him once their done

"Can you tell me what happened specifically?" he went silent for a second before nodding. "Speak when your ready" after a couple minutes have passed, Touya sighed and looked at them. "Well I woke up and felt this weird feeling deep inside of me. A craving I knew I shouldn't have at all or any human being at that" "But your not fully human sweetheart. You gotta remember your half siren as well. I know that sounds weird to say but that's why this stuff happens" they said as Touya just continued

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