Emma nodded, tears filling her eyes as she looked at the two boys in front of her. She first reached for Mark, leaving Derek to say good bye to his father.

"I'm proud of you, Derek," Michael said as he patted Derek on the back. "You're going to great things, I can feel it."

"Thanks, Dad," Derek said. "I um...I'll be home in a couple weeks and we can go out to the lake?"

"Sounds wonderful," Michael said as he took his only son into an embrace. "I love you son."

"I love you too," Derek said, suddenly feeling more vulnerable than he had in a long time, about to be by himself for the first time in his life.

Michael pulled back to reveal Emma reaching her arms out to him, her eyes already filled with tears from saying good bye to Mark. "Derek," she whispered as she wrapped him in his arms. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Derek whispered, burying his face in his mother's shoulder. "I'll be home in a few weeks, Mom. And you've got Liz and Alexis to keep you busy."

Emma nodded as she pulled back to look at him. "I'll talk to you tonight," she stated firmly.

"Okay," Derek said gently, pressing a kiss to her cheek before Michael gently took her hand and led her out the door.

Once they were gone, Derek and Mark stood in the middle of the room, each absorbing the overwhelming sense of independence they felt as they had their first moments of college.

The moment was quickly broken when Derek was drawn into the hallway by the melodic sound of laughter. He walked into the hallway to see the beautiful girl he had seen earlier giggling as she and her roommate stood on her bed, trying to hang up curtains. As he watched her, he felt Mark come up beside him and shake his head. "Man, that red head," he said softly. "She'll be putty in by hands by the end of the week."

"Whatever you say," Derek said, his eyes fixed on the blonde. Her jeans were snug around her hips, giving him the perfect view of her rounded curves, and her entire upper back was exposed above her halter top. Surprising both himself and Mark, he walked across the hall and knocked gently on their door before he asked, "You girls need some help with that?"

They both turned to look at him, and Meredith stumbled slightly on the bed. "Oh," she said, glancing at Addison. "Um, no I think we can handle it."

Derek flashed her a smile as he leaned against the door. "Are you sure?" he asked. "I'm very good at hanging curtains."

Addison rolled her eyes and turned back to the window, but Meredith giggled, obviously amused. "Really?" she asked. "How many curtains have you ever hung?"

Derek was thrown off for a moment. "Well, none...but I could still help," he said feeling like an idiot and choosing to ignore Mark's snickering from behind him.

"Okay, well, I think we've got it under control," Meredith said as she turned back to the curtains, whispering something to Addison before they both dissolved into a fit of giggles.

Defeated, Derek turned and walked back to Mark, who was snickering not so subtly. "Man, that was awful," he laughed. "No wonder no girl's ever given it up for you."

Derek scowled. "First of all, that's not true," he said. "Second of all...I doubt you could do any better."

Mark puffed his chest up, accepting the challenge. "I totally could," he replied.

Derek gestured to the open door across the hall. "Be my guest," he offered.

Mark stared at him for a moment before he took a deep breath, walking across the hall to the girls' room, knocking gently on the door before he leaned in, raising his eyebrows in a seductive manner towards Addison. "Ladies, I do believe that this requires a big, strong man to be done well," he said in a deep voice.

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