Luciano sat up and placed his head in his tattooed hands. "You two wouldn't understand." Luciano sighed. "We wouldn't understand?!" Brandon barked. "I've been here before, asshole. My sister has been raped before, but the difference is she didn't have a husband the first time who promised to love her until death did them part. How do you think she feels when you treat her like this?"

"You think I want to?! You think I want to think the things I do, but I can't help it!" Brandon looked at him in disgust. "So, you think she's worthless and ruined?" Luciano looked at him confused. "What? No! She's beautiful and perfect and I don't deserve her!" Now Brandon and Dante were confused and it showed. "I failed to protect her. I failed to keep her safe. You guys weren't there. You didn't see the light dim from her eyes as he took her. It's my fault. It's all my fault." 

Luciano cried as tears streamed down his face. "You're fucking right it's all your fault." Maxim said from the doorway. "Maxim." Brandon tried to intervene but Maxim walked past him. "I was there the first time. I was there to help her pick up the pieces. She's putting on a brave face for her family and allies, but she is more broken now than she was the first time and that's on you."

Maxim looked at Luciano with a mixture of anger and disgust. "You have the most precious woman as your wife and you're too much of a pussy to take responsibility for your actions and better yourself. If not for yourself then for her. For your future with her. But trust me, if you want to walk away, I won't stop you. I'll be right there to pick up the pieces like always and if given the chance I will love her the way she deserves to be loved." Maxim left him there with his thoughts. 

"If you love my sister then you owe it to her to be there for her. You're married, Luciano, not dating. You don't get to tap out." Brandon placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "I have faith in you two. You fools are couple goals." He chuckled lightly before patting his shoulder and leaving.

A few moments passed before Dante sat next to Luciano. "Brother, you can't let that asshole win. I know that he has planted a garden of doubt in your head, but don't listen to him. Listen to the voices of those that love you. Those that know you, starting with your wife. You should be with her not that Maxim asshat. Do not let Rogelio take away any more time between you and Annalise. Go to her and claim her once more in every way." Luciano looked at his brother and gave a small smile. 

"You're too wise, you know that." Dante shrugged before smiling. "I get it from my brother." He left him alone in his room to think things over. He knew all three of the men that offered their words were right. He needed to fight for his wife, because he knew that Annalise was putting up a strong front for her family and allies. She was probably worse than he was internally and he wasn't being there for her.

He got up and made his way towards the basement, but stopped as he heard chatter in the living room. There they all were talking and smiling like they hadn't killed a dozen men moments ago. He watched as Annalise spoke with the head of the west African mafia, Ibrahim Onuba, and the Spanish mafia Manuel Lopez. They smiled at her like she was the prettiest flower. It was apparent that every man in the room would kill thousands of men for Annalise and it warmed Luciano that his wife was so powerful and so loved.

"It's time for you to visit, mi hija," Manuel spoke. "I know, I will soon. I just need to make sure everything is truly okay on this end and then I'll be on the first flight to Spain." He nodded before giving her a hug and shaking Ibrahim's hand. "You know what I'm going to say." Annalise chuckled at him. "I love him, Ibrahim. This wasn't his fault." The older man scoffed. "I told your father letting you fall for a Rossi was a mistake. Look at all he's cost you. All you've been through." Annalise grabbed his hand and smiled. "I'm okay, Baba." He couldn't help but smile at the young woman.

"You're right, sir. I don't deserve her." Luciano spoke up beside them. Annalise looked at him wide eyed. "She deserves to be protected at all cost and loved unconditionally. I failed her once, but I don't plan on doing that again. I don't plan on letting that monster win. I know the Rossi name isn't seen as highly to you and your associates as the Monroe, but I ask that you give me time to prove to you all that Annalise's best interests are my focus." Ibrahim sized him up for a minute before breaking into a wide smile. "I will hold you to this, Luciano." He said shaking his hand but swiftly pulled him in so only he and Luciano could know what he was about to say. "If you hurt her or something like this happens again, I will come after you with all of my associates behind me. It is nothing for us to go to war over our daughter."

He patted his back a bit roughly before kissing Annalise's cheek and walking off. "Did he tell you they'd go to war for me?" Luciano looked at her and nodded. She rolled her eyes and laughed. "He told Maxim the same thing when he thought we were dating in high school." Luciano reached for her hand happy she didn't recoil. "Can we talk?" She nodded her head and he led her back up to his room. She sat on his bed as he closed the door before sitting next to her. They were silent for a moment before speaking at the same time. "I'm sorry," they said in unison. "What are you sorry about, bambina? You did nothing wrong! I was the fuck up here. I was the one that couldn't keep you safe. I failed to listen to you. I failed to trust your gut. I failed you period."

Annalise cupped his face in her hands. "I love you." He let the words wash over him. "We both know whose fault this is and I plan on making him pay for the rest of his long and miserable life." Luciano smiled at her. "We're not going to kill him?" Annalise shook her head no. "Not right away anyway. I want him to see how badly he's lost. I want him to see you happy. I want him to see the Rossi name bigger and stronger than ever. Then and only then can he die by your hands." 

Luciano stared at his wife in admiration. "I really do love you, il mio amore." She smiled widely at him before leaning in to peck his lips. He didn't want to deepen in. He didn't want to do anything that seemed too much. "I think we should go to therapy," Luciano suggested watching her face. She smiled and nodded. "I'd like that. I have one I go to that works for our family. I think you'll like her."

They made a plan to see the therapist in the morning before deciding to head to their home. Alessandra was a mess of nerves the entire time they were away. When she watched Annalise get out of the car, she moved as fast as her short legs would allow. They had a quick reunion before Luciano was leading his wife into their house and up to their room. He let her take a shower by herself and get dressed in private before doing the same. 

As they lay in bed barely touching, Annalise couldn't help but hear Rogelio's taunting voice in her head. "I know you love me, Luc, but do you no longer want me." Annalise asked as she lay on her side looking at him. "I want you more than anything, Annalise. I want to take you right here and now and brand you with my love." Annalise sat up on her elbow. "Then what's stopping you?"

"I don't want you to think about him. I don't want you to have to relive what he did to you when I touch you." Annalise move to straddle him and lay down on his chest. "I know the difference, Luc. You would never hurt me in that way. I need your touch to wash away his violation. I need you to make me yours again." He titled her head up to look into her eyes. "You were and always will be mine." He captured her lips with his and Annalise reveled in it. 

Luciano felt like every ache and pain was being soothed by this kiss. It was deep and passionate and all them. "I want to take you, my love, but I think we should talk to the therapist first." Annalise pouted causing Luciano to chuckle. "I told you once that good D comes to those who wait." Annalise laughed loudly at the memory and snuggled her husband. They slept like this for the remainder of the night and Luciano wouldn't have it any other way. 

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