Falling. (I)

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Lan Zhan could hear the faint noises from the yard as the doctor arrived, but he had no news. Later, the Jiang Clan arrived too - Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng had insisted to accompany their father as they read Lan Xichen's letter. No one else came to visit him, and as hours passed he grew more and more desperate. He didn't even know if Wei Ying was still alive – he had been so thin and weak lately, again.... again.

His heart was breaking, his mind was working up all the worst scenarios and all he could see were scenes of ruin, end, death. He was certain that he wouldn't be able to go on – in any way – unless Wei Wuxian was there with him. Marriages between the Clans? He wished his brother understood what those words meant. There was no one else he could possibly marry. How could he? How could he even live on without the one person that gave his life joy, and light, and meaning?

He went to bed, his feet would not carry him any more, and he was tired, so tired... He fell into a feverish, delirious sleep, he fell into the darkness.


Both Clans have gathered in the spacious Guest Room, awaiting the physician's words. Jiang Yanli was extremely worried – she had never seen Wei Ying so pale and weak, he looked like a shadow and she really feared for his life. Jiang Cheng was sulking. He knew less than his sister about the whole story, but Wei Wuxian was his brother after all, and though he'd never admit it – he was very concerned too. Lan Xichen was thinking about his brother's words; he had dismissed them as a childish whim, and overreacting, but now – seeing the grim expression on the doctor's face – he wasn't sure any more.

After giving it a final thought, the physician finally spoke:

- The patient is extremely weak. He is dying.

Everyone gasped. They had secretly hoped never to hear those particular words from him. Lan Xichen bit his lip – how did his brother know?  

The doctor continued, shaking his head:

- There is nothing wrong with him physically, he is in good health; there is nothing I could treat right now. His malady is one of the soul. His soul is sick, and it is fading fast. Sometimes, a very traumatic event can have such an effect on people who are more spiritual and sensitive than the rest of us... it is rare, but not impossible. I have seen it happen before. Maybe you should call for a priest. – he finally said, looking at the party with sorrowful eyes. – Do you know of recent events that might have caused this?

No one dared speak, but finally Jiang Yanli stepped in front of everybody and said, her voice shaking:

- He fell in love. 

There was murmur around the room – for some of the people gathered there this was news. Jiang Fengmian raised an eyebrow and cast a look at Lan Xichen, who blushed slightly.

- He fell in love – she continued – so strongly that he fell ill. Not two months ago it was the same situation – he would not eat, and he would not sleep – he was pining, fading away. – she said sorrowfully. – There was nothing any of us could do...

There was dead silence in the room; none of the Clan members felt really comfortable about the topic. Lan Xichen closed his eyes.

- Well then, there might be hope! – the doctor said energetically. – The cure is very simple -you must reunite him with the girl he loves – her presence will give him strength and he might just survive. Where is she? You need to bring her here quickly – he doesn't have much time left. – he looked around the room, confused.

Lan Qiren huffed, exasperated, mumbling through gritted teeth:

- There is no girl! What nonsense is this? I have never heard a more ridiculous story in my entire life! Do you all want to know who his beloved is? – he snarled, mocking.

All eyes were on him. Jiang Yanli's heart sank, she held her hands to her chest, in fear for her brother.

- It is my own nephew! My own flesh and blood!  -  Lan Qiren yelled. – I am not going to allow such shame on my house! – He turned around and demonstratively left the room.

The doctor looked at the people critically, everyone was silent. 

He said:

- I see. This is rare too...but it has been known to happen. Well, I cannot say what decision you should take, I can only recommend a course of action. The Young Master should either be with the one who gives him strength, or you should be preparing for a funeral.

He left, shaking his head sorrowfully. He was certain that another young life would be wasted because of people's foolishness. He never suspected that there were two  lives actually at stake.

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