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He was holding Wei Ying in his arms, and history was repeating itself. His worst nightmares had just come true, and he was shaking, shivering with anguish, crying over Wei Ying's pale face. He was numb all over, he never really knew when strong hands took him away, tore him apart from his love and locked him in his own room. 

Later, he remembered, when he discovered that his throat hurt terribly, that he had yelled and screamed, he had fought to stay with Wei Ying, to not be separated from him, fought with all his might to stay by his side. It took 4 men to drag him and lock him away.

Lan Xichen had come to the doorway when he heard that yell of desperation, and was watching the scene, terrified. He ordered the servants to bring Wei Wuxian back to his room, and put him to bed, and then he dispatched two servants right away – one with a letter to Jiang Fengmian, and one to fetch the best physician that also always attended to the Lan Clan. His heart was breaking as he could hear Lan Zhan wailing in his room, screaming his lungs out, pounding on the door violently – there was so much pain and sorrow in his sobs. 

But it was for the best so. They were both young, they'd get over each other quickly. Right?

He let some time pass, before going into his brother's room, in hope that Lan Wangji had calmed down. When he entered the room he took a step back, it was scary to look at Lan Zhan. He jumped on him straight away, grabbing his robe, his eyes bloodshot, his knuckles bleeding - tears smeared all over his face and clothes.

- How is he? Tell me how  he is!!! Is he alright? Is he alive??? Talk to me, goddamn you, how is he??? Is he alive?!??!    

Rage turned to sobs, Lan Zhan was shaking his brother, begging for answers, his last strength leaving him.

Lan Xichen was stunned, speechless. He had never before seen such emotions from his brother, ever.

- He is...sleeping. We think. He is very weak, Wangji. Why?  –  he asked quietly.

Lan Zhan laughed bitterly, his voice was coarse with sorrow as he spoke:

- He had been ill for the last days... He had been willing to sacrifice himself for me, and for the stupid Clans, and it was eating his soul away... Because we need to be together... we cannot be apart... We fade and die without each other...  -  he raised his eyes to stare into his brother's horrified face. – I am not   taking things lightly, Brother. –  he snarled. – This is life and death.

He let go of his brother's clothes, and turned his back to him.

- Will you let me go to him? – he asked bitterly.

- Both Uncle and I think this won't be wise at the moment. The doctor will be arriving tonight. – Lan Xichen tried to explain calmly, seeing the state his brother was in.

- Haha.. – There was no joy in this sneer, and Lan Xichen involuntarily shivered. – He might not live till tonight.  

Lan Zhan turned around and said gravely, his face a stone mask again:

- If he dies, I am going to kill every single man, woman and child I see in front of me, even if I have to do it with my two bare hands.

Lan Xichen took a long, judging look at him, and said matter-of-factly:

- The punishment for your indiscretions, and breaking the rules of the Gusu Lan Clan will be whip lashes and confinement – to be administered tomorrow morning. It's best for you, Brother. You need to work on your mediation too – I suggest you start practicing. – he said coldly, and turned to leave, locking the door again.

[[[忘羡 | WangXian 1]]  : The Second Kiss That Came Too SoonWhere stories live. Discover now