Dinner. (continued)

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For a month now, all the food had tasted like ash to him. He wasn't interested in anything else but remembering his time with Wei Wuxian, living in a reverie, daydreaming all the time. 

He was starting to find it quite disgusting, the food, and at one point began altogether avoiding it at any cost. He always found excuses, or some work to do at lunch times and dinner times. Obviously, this had caught the attention of his brother too.

Now he was chewing slowly, and taste was coming back slowly too.

Wei Ying took a bite for himself, and the next one was for his lover. Lan Zahn could now take a closer look at him while he was busy with the chopsticks.

- You have lost weight. Why, Wei Ying?  –  Lan Zhan asked, frowning.

Wei Wuxian could not think of a lie quickly enough  –  he just shook his head.

- Look who's talking... you look like a thing from a nightmare, Lan Zhan.  –  he replied.  –  My nightmare...  –  he added under his breath.

- You don't like me anymore? – Lan Zhan ventured.

- Is that even possible, you idiot?  –  Wei Ying smirked. –  Would I cross half the county if I didn't like you, Shizun? Hmmm?

- I don't know. – Lan Zhan smiled sincerely. – This last month has been a bit of a blur to me...

Eat.  –  Wei Ying said sternly, taking his chin and opening his mouth almost by force. – If you eat enough today,  I think I might have a  gift  for you.

- For me? Really?  –  Lan Zhan was starting to slowly get amused, the dream just got interesting. This all felt just like their time together, those weeks ago, but he dared not hope. – By the way, why are you calling me 'Shizun'?  –  Lan Zhan was chewing, and wondering.

- Well, I meant what I said before. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two?  –  Wei Wuxian grinned naughtily, showing him too many teeth.

Lan Zhan just shook his head. 

This all looked all too familiar. But there was something different about Wei Wuxian as well, something that wasn't there before, in his dreams. He looked...more...mature, and more worried now. Worried for him.

- Why are worried for me?  –  the words slipped out of his lips before he could curb his impulse to ask the question. 

He blushed.

Wei Ying looked surprised at the honesty, but he didn't deny it.

- Because if something happens to you, I don't think I'll be able to make it.  –  he said, his face grim.  –  No, actually, I am sure I won't  make it.

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