Chapter- 23: Bound by Spells

Start from the beginning

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM??" I screamed at Carlos. I couldn't complete the sentence without my voice cracking.

"He killed my men. So I just reciprocated. But I must say I was very lucky to have my witch with me today.She put a spell on him to prevent him from healing and then my men beat him till he was knocked out." he answered non-chalantly while looking at stephan's unconcious form lying in the centre of the room.

"You cannot get away with this!!I will track you down from whatever hole you will be hiding in and KILL you!" Daniel yelled from the opposite corner where he was tied. He stood up from the corner but when he tried to break the chains, something glowed from behind his back and within a few seconds he fell to his knees after getting shocked.The moment he fell down I noticed the thing glowing which shocked him,those were his chains to which he was bound to... but how??

"You don't think I would take precautions while holding down Hybrids here? Those chains are spelled and the more you try to break them the more they will hurt you and also you cannot shift into your wolves so don't waste your time in trying." he said while looking at daniel.

"How do you know we are Hybrids??" Daniel asked when he recovered from the shock.

"Well...I already knew about the Williams being hybrids. But the thing that most fascinated me is that you and stephan are hybrids as well Rachel. How did you unlock that side of yours?" he asked while stopping infront of me.

"who are you?" I asked him.

"I am a human. Far better than being a monster." he answered.

He turned to look at one of his men that was nearest to stephan and nodded to him giving him an unsaid command.The guy grabbed his knife and in one swift movement he stabbed the knife straight into steph's leg,The once empty and silent room was now filled with Stephan's blood curdling screams. I couldn't see him in that state so I screamed and got up while breaking my chains even though the stinging pain was stopping me to. But as soon as I was out of the chains, Carlos stood behind me and grabbed my neck by his arm and stabbed a sharp knife in my abdomen which held me in place.

"Don't you fucking TOUCH her!!!" I heard Daniel yell.He tried to stand up again trying to race towards me but again the spell stopped him from reaching me.

"Stand still sweetie...I thought of killing you first but then your brother had to intervene so let's just get it over with." he whispered in my ear. Tears were now falling out of my eyes. I could see my brother slowly opening his eyes as a small crystal like drop of tear rolled down his already bloody face.

My voice started to crack when I finally formed a sentence "Don't Leave... me Steph!!!...please" A swirl of emotions were going on inside me. I couldn't witness this.

"I am...not...going ..anywhere." I heard a faint voice from stephan. If it hadn't been my magnified hearing then I couldn't have even caught that. I slowly saw his eyes closing and his breathing almost inaudible as his chest relaxed ,every part of me broke. The Dam which I built inside me to stop all my emotions finally broke down. I yelled an unnatural roar which made the whole room shake due to which carlos who was holding me down earlier now stepped away from me in sheer panic.

{Aurora: Rachel!! You have woken your Witch Spirit....Concentrate and you will know what to do}

The amount of magic stored in my purple eyes was overwhelming. I turned towards Daniel and Lucas seeing them still locked in the glowing chains. With a flick of my hand,the glow of the chains stopped and the once strong metal chains were now lying on the floor in mere ashes.With that Daniel and Lucas got up still in shock on seeing what I just did but they knew better to waste time and so dealt with the men surrounding us.

The only lady besides me in the room turned towards me. She started chanting something and a strong gust of wind started blowing throughout the room.That's when I knew that she was the witch who spelled Steph. She suddenly raised her hands towards me but nothing happened. She looked confused at me and started chanting her spells even louder but again nothing followed.
{Aurora: Her spells won't work on you. You are a stronger witch as compared to her.}

A smile creaped up on my face knowing that their main advantage had no effect on me.

"Ariana !! Do something!! Use your spells!" Carlos screamed from far away to the witch.

"She's a ...witch as well....My spells are not working." The witch replied. Just before she could run towards me something knocked into her from behind, throwing her on the ground with a hard force.She pushed back trying to wriggle out of her captor's grasp but it turned out to be futile.The person who had stopped her from charging at me was Daniel.His rough hands clutched the witch's neck as if he was about to snap her in half.His tall built stood imposingly in the middle of the room. The gasping sounds from the witch told me that she was soon loosing consciousness and soon her breathing stopped completely.

But before I could reach Daniel, I sensed a presence behind me but it was too late to react.A loud gunshot was all I heard from behind me when a silver bullet penetrated deep into my arm but it didn't pass through it was stuck there.I fell to the floor with a loud thud.The silver stuck inside was spreading around in my system burning the skin it came in contact with.I knew that it wouldn't kill me but it would surely make me weak.

I gingerly turned around to find Carlos grinning at me like a mad man. "At last...I will finally kill the last of the triplet remaining. " he crouched down infront of me holding his gun through which he fired the silver bullet. "Say hi to your brothers for m...." he stopped mid-sentence.

The gun in his hand fell to the floor with a clatter. His spotless shirt now was stained a crimson colour on his stomach. The handle of a sharp knife was sticking out of his back.His body fell to the floor. I saw Stephan standing behind Carlos's body. He was the one who stabbed carlos in the lower back.

"Steph??" I asked almost doubting myself whether what I was seeing was real or just a hallucination. My brother looked at me and smiled.I couldn't believe it so I got up and ran towards him even though I couldn't feel my arm due to the bullet.But he was very much real.I couldn't help but cry from happiness.

"I told you that I am not going anywhere." he tightened his hold on me.

"But how??" I asked him confused.

"You helped me wake my witch side as well. As soon as it happened, the Witch's spelled stopped working on me which helped me heal." he said while looking at me. As he said that I noticed his previous injuries,they were in fact all healed and no sign of scars remained only the dried up blood from the wounds covered him now.

I turned to look at our surroundings and I found that Lucas and Daniel had dealt with every one of them.But before we could do anything else I heard a strangled voice coming from carlos.He was still alive. I walked towards him and picked up his gun lying few feet away from him.

"Rachel, Please listen to me....."I heard his faint voice.He begged just like the night of Alex's death.I was foolish that day to give him a chance to explain himself but not anymore. I emptied all the bullets of the gun straight to his heart till his body went limp.
Finally he was dead.

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