Chapter One: The One with The Peaches

Start from the beginning

"Si, I have some catching up to do with Warren and see what's been happening while I've been away but I might come by after," Carina replied, giving her one more short kiss before walking away to change into her jumpsuit.

Maya stared at the brunette as she walked, a smile forming her face as she thought about how lucky she was. With a shake of her head she went into her office to change into her uniform before she would have to do a review of everything that had happened while she was away.

She had tried to convince Andy to text her updates but she had refused and instructed her to just enjoy her honeymoon - work free - although she did send her a few messages when they had a rather large fire just to let her know they were all okay and that it went well, something Maya was thankful for.

Once she was changed she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in!" She called, sitting down at her desk.

"Hey," Andy said walking in. "Good time?"

"Yeah - of course," Maya welcomed.

The brunette sat down opposite her best friend but her face looked somewhat guilty, her eyes trained on the floor, her head bowed and her hands wringing together, all of which made Maya raise her eyebrows.

"What happened?" Maya asked skeptically, sometimes she wasn't sure if she wanted the answer to that question, especially when it was to do with something at the Station - there were times when it was better to just let them go unheard.

"So - uhm first of all. It wasn't my fault," Andy started, making Maya groan - so it was bad.

"Go on," Maya prompted with a sigh, now definitely regretting having asked in the first place.

"Well, you see we had gotten back from a house fire, it was probably around three in the morning and we were all exhausted because the woman failed to tell us her sister hadn't made it out so when we thought we were done we had to go back inside-"

"Andy?" Maya interjected, gesturing for her to get to the point.

"Right - okay so we all decided to have some coffee as shift was nearly over anyway at this point and none of us were going to sleep but well- long story short we broke the coffee machine....Carina's coffee machine..."Andy concluded, the words trailing off at the end as she looked back down at the ground.

Maya just closed her eyes and sighed. "I don't even want to know how at this point. She's going to go nuts!"

"I know!! But, we bought a new one and replaced it so she won't even notice," Andy pointed out, trying to remain positive. "But I lost the bet so I had to tell you."

"I leave for two weeks-"

"It wasn't my fault!! I told them to use the other one but they claimed they knew how to use it!"

"Okay - okay," Maya laughed. "Go and do some chores and you should be thankful that you all had the right frame of mind to replace it otherwise....well I wouldn't have a happy wife."

"Sorry - Cap," Andy apologised before walking out to do her chores.

A few hours later...

"So Saturday then?" Maya asked her wife who was sitting across her lap while they had some quiet time in the station.

"Sounds good to me Bella," Carina replied, playing with the ends of blonde hair.

"Okay - I'll let them all know, at least we can make something out of this weather while it lasts," Maya added, looking out the window.

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