Chapter 3 Unexpected Visits

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-You know you can still take my offer.- said Squall

- I ask you a question Squall so answer it
(imagine she already knows that Squall is a Wundersmith)

-Little crowling you have too much Wunder around you

- What? Wunder? Are you joking with me?
(She oppened the door to see Squall but he left)

-This is a joke I know it - She said in her mind

She was thinking about going and tell tou Jupiter or to Jack, but she remember that she fight with Jack and Jupiter was disappointed.

At least she went to her bed and decided not to think about it. In that moment she was sleeping.

She was dreaming. She was on a park when suddenly, she saw Squall hurting everyone she love.

-Please leave them. What do you want Squall?

- I want you to be my aprentice

- You're aprentice in what? What could you teach me?

-  How to be a Wundersmith, all the dark arts

- No! I'm not a Wundersmith.

- If you don't want to accept it they are going to suffer- Then by magic all the people she love were standing there in front of him.

- B... But.... I can't be a Wundersmith

In that moment Jack was in the floor screaming and Squall was right in front of him using his Wunder.

- No!!! Leave him alone!! Is me who you want not him!!! - Screamed Morrigan  to Squall

- Oh little crowling I'm having so much fun.

- I told you to stop!!!

Squall was in the floor of the park. Fire on the trees and grass.

- That's impossible.

-Wha... Tell me what do you did to me!!! I'm not supposed to be able to do that.

- Mrs. Morrigan everything that you just did was all the Wunder around you.

Then he just disappeared.

And she woke up, she was crying. and the first think she thought was to go and check if he was okay.

She went straight to his office, she was infront of the door waiting any signal to come in but she listen someone crying.

Someone crying? Who could it be? Jack? Jack was in his room? Jupiter? She never heard him cry.

She finally enter to his office. ( She forgot to knock the door)

-J~Jupiter are you okay? I just- She saw him in his fetal position crying in the sofa.

-Jupiter... I'm so sorry please don't cry... Please- He looked at her in fear.

But a fear not towards her towards someone else. And he looked to her for comfort...

-Jupiter? Is everything okay? Please Jupiter say something.- Say Morrigan with a worried voice.

She went to the sofa and hug him.

- I had a nightmare. Squall was killig Jack in front of you and he told you your knack.
It isn't a bad knack but it's not yet time to know.

She stop hugging him and looked at him.

- Jack, nightmare, knack. I had the same dream. Okay I'm going to check if Jack is okay wait here. - Said Morrigan

She went right to Jacks room knock the door and wait for a answer... No answer... She knock again... A murmur... A sobbing

She enter saw Jack in his bed in fetal position crying but still sleeping.

She touch his shoulder to wake him up. He only covered himself with the blanket in fear.... He...He was shaking.

-Jack- she move him- Jack!! Jack!! Wake up! - She shake him again.

-Mhm... No please d... Don't... Don't kill... Don't kill me - murmured Jack still sleeping.

-Jack!!!! Wake Up!!! - Yell Morrigan afraid of what she just listened.

He woke up and hugged her.

-He was killing me in front of you- Jack murmured

- It was  just a dream- She hugged him back and began to make caresses in his hair to calm him down.

- Yeah I know but your face. I could see that he was hurting you.-  He noticed that she had tears in her eyes. - Are you crying? Wh.. Why are you crying?

- Me and Jupiter had the same dream. What matters is that you are fine.

After a while Jack calmed down and they were still hugging. Until Jack said

- Why do you make me caresses in my hair?

-Um.... I... um.... Sorry- She stop hugging him and start blusing.

- Why are you blushing?- He startef blushing too

- Um... Why are YOU blushing? - she respond back  feeling her face like a tomato.- Okay bye and don't forget that I'm still mad at you.

She got out of  the room  and start thinking about why did she blushed.

Autors note:
Sorry for not uploading chapters is that I had some problems.I wasn't eating well and I wasn't feeling well psychologically. To such an extent that I had to be taken to the hospital.
Well that doesn't matter. How are you?
What did you think of this cap?

Are You Willing To Die? - Nevermoor Fic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang