But much to their dismay a man named min yoongi who sat in one of the building's top roof keeping the area in check just as he was checking the streets through the binoculars something caught his attention ,he pressed the emergency contact which sent the signal to every guard and even JEON that there were wolves scowling around. "Mother fuckers" he muttered under his breath and got in the position ,closing his one eye while aiming for the men who were after the blonde.

He pulled the trigger after locking the target and Boom headshot,as his gun had a silencer so no bullet firing sounds were heard,but the thud of something alerted jimin and the other two men who were after him they dragged the body and kept as quiet as they could ,jimin shrugged walking away and just then he heard a roaring engine nearing him and just as he turned around wide eyed the car took a stop infront of him ,a matte black car and Jeon seated there with a dark gaze and poker face. "Not again!" Jimin muttered pissed off being reminded of their not so pleasant interaction.

Jeon confidently stepped out of the car, his ebony locks stylishly draping over his captivating eyes. He gracefully approached the shorter individual, his subtle head tilt serving as an unspoken command to enter the vehicle. His gaze conveyed a clear message: "Don't even think of objecting." Yielding to the silent directive, the blonde brushed past him, settling into the luxurious car.

Soon, the black-haired man joined him inside the vehicle, handling the steering wheel with a sense of composed control. As Jeon navigated the car smoothly, Jimin couldn't help but appreciate the opulent interior. While he sought to conceal his amazement, the intricate buttons for various car functions, fashioned from tiny, glistening white stones, left him convinced they were made of diamonds, harmonizing exquisitely with the car's pitch-black ambiance. The dashboard discreetly featured the moniker "Jeon Jk," a detail that didn't escape Jimin's keen eye.

A deep, dark voice broke the silence, asking, "Weren't you instructed not to depart without me?" It was Jeon, of course. Jimin merely shrugged, rolling his eyes, reluctant to engage in another one of their confrontations. He had come to realize that he might not harm the towering figure physically, but he could certainly bruise his ego by withholding a response. Jimin inwardly smiled, thinking he had achieved a small victory. Suddenly, though, he found himself pressed firmly into his seat as the surroundings outside blurred into a frantic rush. He clung to Jeon's tattooed arm for dear life, gasping for breath.

"OKAY, JEON, YOU WIN. I GIVE UP! SLOW DOWN THIS DAMN CAR!" Jimin yelled, breathless and still gripping Jeon's arm as though his life depended on it—because, astonishingly, it did.

The car came to an abrupt halt. If not for the seatbelt, Jimin felt as if he might have been flung through the windshield. As he struggled to catch his breath, his hand was unceremoniously released from its vice-like grip, and the realization dawned on him. He turned to meet Jeon's frigid, intense gaze. With a mere flicker of his eyes, Jeon silently urged Jimin to exit the car. Jimin quickly regained his composure, shooting a defiant glare at the enigmatic man. He exited the car, slamming the door with a resounding thud, half-expecting it to shatter under the impact.

.           .          . At Park's Mansion     .         .        .

Jimin got changed into his black sweats after taking a shower ,he made his outside to the balcony in his room and started writing in his diary...

He then stared at the open sky rubbing his wrists while again getting lost to that day ,everyone is here everything is just a mere call away but not the thing that he wants and had ever wanted,life sure as hell was cruel to him and he had accepted that he had to live with the pain or die with the pleasure of escaping this cruel reality,he didnt felt restless like every other day there was a weird calm flowing through his veins,he didnt know why but he felt it ,with that he sighed ruffling his own hair .

Enveloped in his private reverie, Jimin was roused by distant voices filtering in from the outside world. Intrigued by the unusual commotion, he ventured out of his room and was met with the mansion's hallways teeming with guards. His gaze landed upon a man sporting a distinctive man bun, though his identity remained concealed as he faced away from Jimin. Disinterested, he was about to turn away, when a voice, laced with an unexpected playfulness, froze him in his tracks.

"Hey there, kitten, won't you extend a welcome?" The voice held a playful cadence Jimin couldn't quite place. As the man turned around, Jimin's jaw seemed to plummet to the floor, and his head tilted in disbelief as he regarded Jeon.Something about the taller man appeared subtly different, a hint of warmth replacing the coldness Jimin was accustomed to. The loose locks of Jungkook's hair, perhaps, was the cause.

"You're not staying here!" Jimin asserted, striving for composure even though his current disheveled state hardly portrayed a fearsome demeanor. Jungkook responded with a smirk, advancing toward the disheveled blonde, whose hair had lost its sharp, precise details from the morning and now appeared tranquil and serene.

"Everyone out, now," Jungkook's deep voice demanded, causing the room to empty, leaving them alone.

"Of course, I'm staying, kitten," Jungkook whispered, tenderly cradling the shorter man's jaw, coercing their gazes to lock, even though his eyes were magnetically drawn to the plump, inviting lips. He inched closer, his breath tantalizingly grazing Jimin's lips.

"Do you know what happens when you stay away from me?" Jungkook queried, causing their lips to brush tantalizingly close.

"Hmm?" Jungkook intimated, letting his lips graze Jimin's horizontally but not quite meeting them in full contact. Jimin met his gaze, his nails digging into his palms in an attempt to manage the overwhelming proximity, despite his inner turmoil. Jungkook, however, picked up on Jimin's unease and stepped back slightly, smirking. It was then that Jimin's trance was shattered as Jungkook thrust a series of photographs before his face and withdrew.

"This," he declared through clenched teeth.

"I'm not your babysitter, and if you're instructed to remain inside, that's precisely what you'll do. Let that notion permeate your mind. Next time, I might just let those miscreants have their way with you if you don't comply," Jungkook growled, causing Jimin to flinch. Bewildered and with teary eyes, Jimin stared at the sudden eruption of emotion. He couldn't quite pinpoint why it was always Jeon who could elicit such intense reactions from him.

"You can't speak to me like that, you infuriating Jeon!" Jimin retorted, his voice trembling and tears threatening to spill.

"Oh, but I can do as I please, kitten," Jungkook huffed in irritation. "...and it's Mr. Jeon for you, Jimin-ssi," he added, extending his hand toward Jimin's cheek. Jimin, however, stepped back with a frown and a look that screamed, "Don't you dare touch me." Yet Jungkook's grip remained firm as he compelled Jimin to meet his dark, doe-like eyes. His hand dipped dangerously low down Jimin's back, prompting wide-eyed astonishment from the blonde, who began struggling to no avail.

And then, Jungkook's grasp veered even lower, causing Jimin's breath to hitch and his eyes to widen. A sinister smirk played on Jungkook's lips as he brandished a mobile phone before Jimin's face. While still holding the blonde in an uncomfortably close embrace, he unlocked the device and handed it back to Jimin, then promptly departed.

As Jimin stared at his retreating back, he glanced down at the mobile phone placed in his palm. Swiftly, he unlocked it to discover the infuriating man's contact added, a digital emblem of his unwanted intrusion into Jimin's life.

                                                                      ".......let the game begin"


                                                                                                                                             "....Perfectly flawed🍃"

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