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Two months later

"Birthday breakfast~," Kate greets me lyrically and I let out a groan. "You said you weren't going to do anything! You know I don't like birthdays." Kate frowns. "It's your first birthday with us as a couple, and you're twenty!" She smiles brightly, setting a plate of heart shaped waffles and three pieces of bacon. "God, I'm so old!" I flop back down onto the pillows with my hands on my face. "We just graduated last month and I'm already twenty. You're still eighteen!" I whine. "Your birthday is just early in the year... and being held back didn't help."

"You're not helping," I sit back up. "Me and Felix's birthday is next month, Arden's is in a week, you're okay. Now eat and get ready, Arden and Ace already have more hell planned," She gives me an evil smile before pecking my forehead.

"Hap-" I shut the door before everyone could sing. "Don't even think about it!" I say through the door. "Come on!" a familiar voice whines. I open the door and find Vivian standing next to her brother. "Vivian!" I yell before picking her up and hugging her tightly. "When did you guys come down?" I ask after I accidentally drop her to hug Jaesuk. "Last week, we wanted to surprise you, but the only state in America we've been to is Idaho, so we wanted to look around," Vivian smiles brightly.

I managed to run away from them before they could sing to me, but I ran straight into some random dude. "How many people are going to barge into my house?" I groan. Oh yeah.. new house. It's mine, but Kate has been living with me since I got it, along with Alec and his daughter, thankfully they have helped pay, if they didn't, I would have to move back in with my mom, who is still acting weird. "Sorry! This is, uh, Elliot," Alec runs over to us. "My boyfriend."

"I didn't know you liked guys," I gasp, slapping Alec's chest. Elliot has bright, mint-green eyes, his hair is brown styled in a mild fringe and he has a slight stubble. I'd never met him before, but he feels familiar. "Do I know you?" I ask after a moment of looking at him closely. "N-no, I don't think so," he frowns. "Hm, whatever. Lunch!" I march down the stairs and outside.

"I'm exhausted," I sigh, flopping onto my bed when we finally got home. "But you had a good time, didn't you?" Kate asks with worried eyes. "Yes, I did. Thank you, Katie," I give her a smile before pulling her on top of me. "Hopefully you're not too exhausted," she leans down and pushes her lips into mine. "What's this?" I ask after our lips part. "What?" she frowns. "You're being all confident and sexy, it's new, I like it." I truly did. She's always so sweet and does nice things for everyone, I like it when she takes charge. Her frown turns into a big smile before she begins kissing down my neck.

Just her breath on my neck made my heart race. I slide my hands up her shirt, the feeling of her bare skin beneath my fingers caused me to pull her shirt off. I sit up and wrap my arms around her waist before I press my lips against her cleavage, just above the middle of her little blue striped bra patterned with ducks. I managed to pull Kate onto my lap and cover her chest with my arm when I heard the sound of the door opening. "Why are you always the one interrupting us?" I asked once I caught sight of Felix. "I was coming to give you your present! Alec said you were in here," She defends herself.

"Kai is over you, Felix. We're trying to have sex here, could you please leave?" Kate says, causing me to burst out laughing, god, I love her. "I know! It's not like that! I swear, I just came to give her a present. I'll leave it here," She explains before setting it next to the door and leaving. Kate turns towards me with a smile. I gently push my lips into hers and allow myself to enjoy the taste of her, the feeling of her body on mine. Allowing myself to accept that I am hers, and she is mine.

Welp, I'm sad to say that Alive is now over :o I didn't think I would be finishing it today. I've been wanting to finish it so bad so that I could start on the sequel, but I still feel upset that it's ending. I'm so grateful to those that have actually read and finished this. Almost 130 people have read it and to me, that is way more than expected. I really hope you guys will read the sequel when I put it out, if you want me to notify you, comment here :3. I'll stop rambling now! I am forever thankful for all of you! Thank you for everything! 

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