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I let out a loud groan as the pain in my back worsened. "Manny is going to replace Adam soon, he's the easiest that we could overpower," Jaesuk assures me in Korean. Now, talking in Korean was our only form of conversation without the others understanding us. Although Gus didn't know what we were saying, he'll know what to do once we go through with our plan.

"I'm assuming you know where we are," I continue in the foreign language. He sighs. "You'll find out when we leave." Adam looked at us curiously, although he was a large intimidating man, he seemed to be the nicest out of the men that Ace had help us. "You know, it makes me feel like you're talking about me when you talk in that other language," Adam chuckles awkwardly. We were technically talking about him, but he meant gossiping. He always tried to lighten the mood even if I was literally kidnapped by him.

Jaesuk's plan was fine, I suppose. It is a good idea to wait until Manny took Adam's place. They have been switching spots so that the others can do whatever they do in their day. Frankly, I don't think that even Jaesuk, Gus, and I even had a chance against Adam, he's a huge tall guy, no matter how kind he is, he could overpower us easily.

Even if it meant more time of not knowing, it was better than nothing. The last time I saw Kai was when she walked inside that building. I've no clue what's going on other than what Jaesuk has told me that I understand. I don't know if Kai is okay, and neither does Jaesuk, he hasn't left once. He only told me what her dad's plan was, he's planning to have Kai-

My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar short man walking down the steps that lead into this cabin basement type thing. Adam and Manny exchanged nods before he took a seat in the chair Adam was just seated in. I looked at Jaesuk and he shook his head. "Manny is here! Why not?" I asked in Korean, growing impatient by the second. "Adam has barely even made it out of the front door, give it an hour or so," he grumbles. He was right, but Kai could be hurt right now, god she could be dead. But I can't think like that. Imagine how she's feeling, she's probably worried to death. We'll find a way out and find a way back together.

"Kate!" Jaeusk wakes me with a loud whisper. I couldn't even believe I had managed to fall asleep especially in this stupid chair. "Hm?" I ask, groggy. "We have to do it now, Manny is in the bathroom right now, we can leave without having to fight or anything," Jaesuk says, now in English. I was so tired that I didn't even want to move, but I knew I had to suck it up and get up.

Jaesuk uses his teeth to make a small cut in the tape before ripping it apart. It felt nice that my arms were finally free, but it was painful as I stretched them out. He helps Gus out of the tape and we were about to walk to the stairs, but we were interrupted by Manny stepping out of the bathroom, his eyes wide. Of course it couldn't be this easy.

He instantly pulled out his gun and aimed it at Jaesuk. "Tie them up," he says. "O-of course," Jaesuk mumbles, turning around to face me. He had a look of guilt in his eyes. The sound of a gun made me jump. I look behind Jaesuk to find Gus on top of Manny, wrestling the gun out of Manny's hands. I was so grateful to those years Gus played football. Manny seemed unconscious, but not dead, thank god. But Gus was groaning and struggling with getting up. I ran over to him and helped him off of Manny, there was blood soaking his gray shirt on his shoulder.

"It just grazed me, I'm fine." He says, holding his shoulder. Jaesuk looked hesitant, but led us up the stairs. Once he opened the door, I could tell why he decided not to tell me where we were. It was a familiar small cabin, I could see a lake- that held so many memories with Kai- just out the window. There's nothing I'd rather do than remember the things that happened in this cabin, but Sam blocking the front door distracted me.

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