Chapter 17 | (Re)Discovered

Start from the beginning

"Tsk," Darius sneered, "the family relation is barely there."

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. "Yet he is still invited. You should remember, the God of the West Wind was always close with him."

Darius snorted. "Zephyr is a generous man, as far as Air Sprites go. To be on his good side is to be close to him. Even more so after his return – I've heard he's become quite the philanthropist," his eyes narrowed, "especially in matters pertaining to his daughter." 

"Philanthropist or not, you will not be on his good side if you do not attend this wedding!" Ezekiel argued, slamming an open envelope down on the desk. "You already have tension with his Excellency's daughter after the occurrences with that ... with that, Pirate. Majesty, I implore you to reconsider, think of your relations-

"Ezekiel, that is enough," Darius snarled coldly, "the West Wind God will not be so easily swayed by the opinions of the younger generation – he has been alive far too long and I have known him since I was young. No matter what has happened in the past, he will not so easily turn on us. You are beginning to get flustered – a trait that I do not need in my advisor. Perhaps I need to revert to ordering you as well?!"

The room fell silent before Ezekiel spoke stiffly. "I apologise my King, I overstepped."

Darius sighed, leaning back in his chair as he rubbed the spot on his forehead where he felt a headache developing. "I will consider it, Ezekiel. But if I do not have time, I will send Arlo."

"Prince Arlo has not been in society for some time, Majesty, I really think-"

"Are you questioning my judgement?"

"... no, my King."

Darius's expression was thunderous. "If it troubles you that much Ezekiel, then I will have you accompany him."

"Unnecessary, my Lord."

"As I thought." Darius snorted and swiftly changed the subject. "What other business do you have for today?"

"Well Majesty, it seems that-

Darius zoned out again.

His morning passed rather slowly, despite the heavy workload, and although he was not called outside of his office for anything, he felt oddly on edge. Around midday he paused for a break, his mind wandering as he searched for Mizuki's presence, planning to check in at the training grounds.

My King. How can I be of service?

Lend me your eyes.

Yes, Majesty.

Darius leant back in his chair, his eyes slipping closed as he pushed more of his consciousness into his Commanders mind.

The mind link was a skill that all Lycan's could achieve, with a little practise. However, Alphas alone had the ability to go a step beyond and further occupy the minds of the lycans who pledges of allegiance they had received.
And for one such as Darius, who ruled with absolute authority as King, there was no mind that was not open to him – although a willing mind was obviously more pleasant to occupy.

The view through Mizuki's eyes was bright and clear. She was currently standing on the far edge of the training grounds, and considerately, she began to walk forward, through the training troops so that he could observe their progress.

Are there any issues?

None that can't be worked out, my King.

Good. Where is Gabriel?

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