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There was a banner on front saying 'NO MORE CLONES! LET'S PARTY!' It had a drawing of a Red Square clone being hit by VID.

The auditorium was decorated with a disco ball on the ceiling and the tables had soda and snacks on them. On the radio was a cheesy disco song, with HMD as the DJ.

Red Square, ATV, and VID were dancing, while Channel One and TV3 were talking about TV3's video game company. Black Square was over at the south corner of the room, playing 'Dance Dance Revolution Extreme'. It seemed he was pretty good at it.

"I am so happy to finally see all those clones of me go away. It was getting hard to see the real Red Square." The red logo grabbed a bottle of soda and poured it into his red cup.

"Anyways, I'm happy to see you two are happy with each other!" ATV was really happy about what he and VID accomplished today. Especially considering that they're dating now.

"So... wanna come play video games at HMD's place after this? We already did our filming today, so we'll have plenty of time to hang out!" VID offered ATV, to which he agreed with.

"I bet you can't outwit me in 'Super C'!" ATV challenged VID soon after. The two chuckled.

"Hey, what did I miss? What's with the party?" Old HMD hovered towards his younger brother with confusion.

"Woah, big bro; where were you? You've been gone for the past couple of days!" HMD's brother usually got into the same antics as he did, though unlike HMD, he didn't know when to keep his boundaries, getting him in more trouble than everyone else.

"I've been on vacation. California was cool, but I don't think I'll ever be visiting again. I don't even film programs anymore anyways." Old HMD got himself a couple of snacks and began eating them in front of his brother, annoying him.

"Oh yeah, by the way, all the Red Square clones are gone. VID got rid of them all. Also, the old Ostankino has been destroyed." HMD briefly recapped what happened earlier that day.

"Oh, that classic VID; he always was one to get himself into trouble. I hope him and Red Square are doing well now, considering that whole crystal journey." Old HMD took a sip of his soda.

"Hey bro, I'd appreciate if you didn't drink in front of the controls." HMD reminded his brother, but it was already too late. He accidentally spilled some soda on to the music controls, turning on a slow dance song.

"Oh, the music changed, VID! Hey, let's have a dance real quick!" ATV held the gray logos hands as they grooved to the music.

Finally, after a long week filled with destruction and endangerment, VID and his friends could finally rest. And when it seemed as time was slowing down to a crawl, ATV leaned in and pressed his lips against VID.

Suddenly, it felt like everything VID knew about his job, his friends, his world, was flipped upside down. He had first kisses in the past, but this one was different.

This was his best one yet.

Later that night after they played video games together, VID and ATV stared out in to the stars. VID always did like going outside during the evening. It cleared his mind of stress and especially now, having ATV by his side made it ten times better. They really liked spending time together. And they were going to do more of it in the months coming up ahead.

VID moved close to ATV and they held hands together while they pointed out their favorite stars. They always did like how they looked. They also knew how they had a ton of stuff to do tomorrow, but that wouldn't stop them from caring about each other so much.

VID liked ATV.

And ATV knew that. He knew that very well.

And ATV liked VID back.

And VID knew that. He knew that very well.

GOLDEN HEART (2021)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant