Chapter 2: Realization

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VID stared into the pond below. It was a bright sunny day and he was waiting for ATV to be discharged from the hospital. When he got back yesterday, he was told that Red Square filled in for the rest of that episode for 'Time'. It went pretty good, although Red Square said himself that talk shows weren't really his thing.

Channel One approached VID, standing next to him with a sandwich in his hand, seeing VID watch the lily pads float by.

"Hey VID, how's it going? I heard about yesterday and I just wanted to check if you and ATV are okay." Channel One said as he took a bite of ham sandwich.

"We're doing just fine. ATV's checking out today, so we'll probably hang out once we get done filming our programs today." VID then heard a door being opened, and right behind him, was ATV.

"ATV, you've recovered!" VID was happy to see ATV again, as he hugged VID.

"Great to see you back in action. Also, filming for 'Pole Chutes' doesn't start until 11 AM. So, you can hang out if you want." Channel One strolled back to the Ostankino to finish eating his sandwich and to get ready to film one of his shows.

"Hey, you know... I like your company." ATV picked up a stone and tossed it into the pond.

VID thanked him for the compliment and the two decided to chat for a little bit.

"...and thankfully there was a teleporter, so HMD and I got out of there in time!" VID recalled his time finding the final crystal and battling the evil Red Square clones.

"Woah, I didn't even know swords like that could exist! That was so cool! It's a shame that cloner stopped working; I could get to see you fight!" ATV recalled his times with the old Ostankino, which was now being served as storage.

"So, you wanna go play video games at HMD's place?" ATV and VID got up from the grass and hovered back to the Ostankino-2. They enter the building and head up to HMD's apartment. HMD was one of VID's friends. Unlike VID however, they were more interested in video games and technology rather than going on adventures. Their apartment was filled with old video game memorabilia, and they even had their own rooms dedicated to their favorite game shows.

VID and ATV stood next to HMD's front door, ready to be scanned and let in.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" HMD said through the built-in speakers they had on their front door.

"VID and I have a couple hours before we film today, and we'd like to play some games together!" VID and ATV were both scanned and approved to enter their apartment.

"Go ahead guys! I'll set a timer for 11:00 AM." HMD let the two in as they pulled up a holographic timer.

There were multiple doors in the colorful hallway, corresponding to various different video game consoles. The one that caught the two logo's attention was one labeled 'MEGA DRIVE', referring to the 'Sega Genesis' game console. They both entered the room and discussed on what games to play. There was a big leather couch beneath them and a library of games on a big shelf. ATV liked to run his finger across a line, making satisfying metallic sounds for every game that was touched. He giggled to himself; it was just like being young again and being in a video game store.

VID gazed at ATV enjoying himself taking out a handful of games and popping them in the console. He'd always pop in 'Sonic the Hedgehog 3', such a fun game.

They both sat down on the couch and played it together for a little while before work. And when they sped through the acts together, VID thought to himself.

Honestly, I've always liked that guy. He's such a cool person to be around and even when we got into fights sometimes, we'd always come back, ready to forgive ourselves. And ever since we talked in the hospital, it feels like we've been getting... closer than before.

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