"Let's go." Maxim commanded moving swiftly in his all black get up. Anastasiya knew her brother was on edge. He always was when it came to Annalise's safety. When the whole ordeal happened with the Cortes family Maxim wouldn't let her out of his sight for weeks. She didn't know what condition she would find her best friend after learning from Rogelio's men that he was slightly obsessed with her. 

She prayed her friend didn't have to endure what she did with the Cortes men. Anastasiya knew that regardless of what occurred she would get her best friend back. Alive and well. They stepped into the mansion and it was eerily quiet. They both had their guns drawn as they moved passed the dead bodies. The Japanese moved quickly and it was evident. A ninja showed up out of nowhere almost causing Anastasiya to scream.

"階下 (Downstairs)." Anastasiya looked at him confused. This is when she needed her multi-lingual best friend the most. The ninja pointed down and Maxim motioned for her to follow him. They found stairs and made their way down careful not to reveal themselves or make any noise. Anastasiya saw Luciano first and ran to him. "Luciano," she whispered. He was out of it. "Wake up you idiot! We need to get out of here." 

Maxim moved her before slapping Luciano hard across the face. He groaned angrily before opening his eyes in shock. "Yeah, asshole we're here now where is my best friend?" Anastasiya noticed the sad look in his eyes and held her breath. "He has her," he mumbled as Maxim began picking the locks on his chains. "We have to go get her." Anastasiya said to her brother. "We will, but first we have to get him out of here."

Luciano shook his head. "Go save her please. You don't know what he's done to her." The brother and sister looked at one another with grim expressions. "Can you walk?" Maxim asked as he helped Luciano stand. "I can manage." They made their way slowly up the stairs. The same ninja from before appeared and Anastasiya made it a point to hit him on the shoulder. She knew under that mask he was smirking. He didn't waste time trying to talk to her. He simply pointed upstairs and motioned to the left. She smiled and thanked him. 

"I'll go get her. You take him back to the car." Maxim said moving to head up the stairs. "No, I need to get her. I need to do this." Luciano said weakly. "You can barely walk or stand up," Maxim groaned in irritation. "She's my wife. I have to do this." Anastasiya gave her brother a look before he relented. "Fine, come on." The three made their way up the stairs.

They saw light coming from one of the doors. Luciano nodded confirming that was the room as Maxim quietly opened the door. They could see doors open to the left and heard a man yelling as slaps and punches were dealt. Maxim's anger flared, but Anastasiya placed a hand on his. They stood there for a few second before Rogelio came barreling out dragging a naked Annalise by the hair. Maxim face changed as he only saw red. 

He made a move to lunge for Rogelio but noticed the gun in his hand pointed at Annalise. "Well what the fuck do we have here?" He chuckled. "It's over, Rogelio. Let her go." Anastasiya spoke up looking at her beaten friend. "It's over when I say it's over. You're not leaving with both of them alive." Maxim made a move to inch closer, but Rogelio pulled up Annalise and pointed the gun right at her temple. "Move any closer and I'll blow her fucking brains out."

Maxim held his hands up. "How is this going to end in your favor, Rogelio?" It was the first time Luciano had spoken up. He moved forward as he continued. "Either way you're going to die. You don't win this. Your armies are no match for my vengeance." Rogelio was so engrossed in Luciano's words and a shaking Annalise that he failed to notice the ninja that was lowering himself from the vent up above. By the time he landed and jabbed Rogelio on the pressure point that immobilized him it was too late. However, it wasn't too late for the gun to go off.

"No!" Luciano yelled as he ran towards his bleeding wife. Blood poured from the side of Annalise's head and Anastasiya was wrecked with sobs. "Move," Maxim barked before carefully picking up a profusely bleeding Annalise. "Bind his hands and legs and take him back to the meetup." He instructed the ninja. Soon more came into the room to help. Anastasiya helped Luciano into the car as they made their way to the airspace. 

They loaded up on the private plane while Luciano and Annalise lay in the back rooms with a team of Monroe doctors. "She has to be okay, Ana. She just has to be." Maxim held back his tears as he thought about Annalise. "She will be. She's strong. She's an honorary Ivanov." Anastasiya smiled at him. She wanted to lighten the mood, but the fact was she was deathly afraid.

The doctors hadn't come out to fill them in and it had been hours. They were minutes away from landing and had heard nothing. Finally, two doctors stepped out. "How is she?" Maxim asked first. "The bullet grazed her somewhat deeply. A half an inch more and she'd be dead." The seriousness of the situation mounted. 

"She has lost a lot of blood and will need a transfusion, so the sooner we get her to the Monroe hospital the better." They both nodded. "Is she stable for now?" Anastasiya asked wishing they had arrived earlier in Mexico like she wanted. "She's in a coma. The sooner we get there the better." The doctor simply replied. Maxim fell back in his chair shocked at the revelation. His dearest friend. His Annalise was in a coma and just like last time he couldn't save her.

"How is he doing?" Anastasiya inquired looking over her brother. "He has some broken ribs and horrible cuts and bruising that should be infected. We set his shoulder back and thankfully there's no internal bleeding. He could've died, but once we get to the hospital and get him proper medication he'll be back to normal." 

Anastasiya thanked the doctor but sighed at her words. There was no normal after this. She knew both her brother and Luciano noticed the horrible bruising around Annalise's arms, waist, hips and thighs. The swelling of her face and blood leaking from her mouth. Anastasiya was frightened of the horrors she would learn that was done to her best friend. She didn't know what the truth would do to them.

Rogelio was unconscious, but still alive and being transported to the main Rossi warehouse. She knew that Luciano had nothing but torture and a slow death planned for him, but she knew there was a long line of people that were all too eager to inflict pain and misery on the man that dared to abuse and hurt their beloved Annalise. The pilot announced they'd be landing in ten minutes and Anastasiya buckled her seat belt as she looked out the window. She knew everyone was waiting to hear about Annalise and Luciano. 

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