Part 17

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The city of Delphi is considered by the people as one of the most prosperous and peaceful cities to have ever existed throughout the entire history of mankind

With the peaceful ambiance of the countryside and the monopoly of a megacity, It's no wonder that the people of the Empire consider this as a safe haven to escape the harsh problems that their country face

Under the watchful and strict rule of the Rosenblade Family, It became a place in which women and children could walk around without any fear of being assaulted, a place in which merchants could conduct their honest and good work, and a place in which the talents of each and every citizen are utilized in order to further improve the blossoming city

The time was ten in the morning, This was the hour in which the city truly comes to life. The stores were filled to the brim with customers while the knight's patrol extensively to ensure that order is in place, and the horse carriages with nobles and powerful merchants in them fill the streets as the children's play on the sidewalk

One carriage, in particular, was accommodating...a unique pair of individuals

The first one was the Victorian maid of the Rosenblade Family. A hard-working little girl that was known by her peers as a cold and calculating woman, one that accomplishes each of her assigned works with remarkable speed and efficiency with an unchanging expression

The girl was Lia, and though others may describe her like this, she was still respected by her colleagues for all the right reasons. She may still be a kid, but others hold her in high regards as an adult

Though those same people might think otherwise upon seeing the sight right now

"Woah...beautiful...the stone roads, the structure of the houses, the esthetic of the surroundings...this really is a different place..."

She was eying in the windows of the carriage with excitement in her eyes. Though it has been quite some time since she came under the employment of the Rosenblades, Her master hadn't really assigned her a job that involved exiting the manor, so needless to say, Lia was thrilled about this trip

So much so that the other person sitting in front of her was completely ignored

It was a child of Lia's age. He was wearing the usual black garments that he wore, which gave a sense of intimidation to all who saw it. In his side was a sword that looked to be of the highest quality, one that could very well entice the sword wielders throughout the continent to seek it  

But though his clothing was extravagant, the person in question seemed to be quite injured. Bruises could be seen in his face, and his right arm had been cased

The boy was Raiden E. Rosenblade, A child that is in line to be the next family head of the Rosenblades, and a person that is known by others as a temperamental and tyrannical child that wishes all to go as he desires

But unfortunately for him, it seemed that absolutely nothing was going his way recently

His plan to end his bout with Titus ended in an absolutely humiliating defeat, this wasn't really a new experience for him, but he wasn't exactly too thrilled with it either. And as if to spit on his face, he was asked by Lia to accompany him to the city

He thought about "asked" but "forced" would seem more fitting

Left with no choice, he could only go with her as she does her errands. 

Everything went on as usual when they left the manor. Lia poked fun of Raiden's defeat with a smug face while he could only stay helplessly silent. But her attitude suddenly changed when they entered the city gates

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