Part 2

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Junko couldn't see anything

No. It would be more accurate to say that she couldn't do and feel anything, Her unconscious body was surrounded around by the dark and empty void, Junko felt relaxed, but frightened at the same time, It felt as if she was falling on a cliff with no bottom, It was an extremely weird feeling

But suddenly, the darkness of the void was dispelled by a bright light. The light gave off a comfortable and soothing feeling. The light reached Junko's body and she slowly started to open her eyes

"Ah damn my head hurts...-"

After a long time that seemingly felt forever, Junko finally regained her consciousness

" this place?"

She thought at first that she  must be at a hospital due to the accident but she saw that everything around her was literally only white

"Wait come to think of it, I was hit by a truck pretty badly...But I don't seem to be injured"

She patted her entire body expecting to feel pain at some point but to her surprise, her body felt normal

"What's going on..."

She looked around her surroundings once more

But seriously where am I? Some sort of Mental asylum? No...they wouldn't have any reason to send me to a place like that, and I doubt there would be a mental asylum with a white room that's this big.

Junko continued to inspect her surroundings, she was surprised by how wide the place is, it seemed to have no end. As she was looking around, she saw an extravagant looking white door that's not too far from her location

Huh..I didn't really notice it because of the looks kind of out of place. What's that doing here?

Junko felt a bit cautious at first but decided to enter it anyway because it seemed to be the only exit, she stood up and walked towards the door, the floor that her feet were touching felt soft like sand... No, It would be more accurate to say that it felt like ash

After walking for a while Junko finally stood in front of the door. she grasped the knob tightly and was about to open it until she heard a voice that was  coming from the other side

"I have to manage this many more? Ahhhhhh...this is a pain..."

It was the voice of a girl that seemed to be tired and annoyed, Junko thought that it might seem rude if she would just waltz in so suddenly so she knocked on the door and said

"Um hello?..."

"Oh, the next one is already here?! No wait...ehem. It's fine now, you may enter"

The voice suddenly sounded more mature and dignified. Having received the person's consent, Junko slowly turned the knob and opened the door

"E-Excuse me then...Woah"

Having entered the room Junko could only describe it with one word, Divine. The architecture of the room seemed to be extremely well made. and though Junko didn't really have a knack for it, she could tell that even the accessories of the room such as the chairs, cabinets, and the small statues were extremely luxurious and expensive

"Welcome, lost lamb"

Junko turned in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful woman with a tender smile that was sitting on a desk. she was looking at her with her blue eyes that were filled with kindness. Her blonde hair was stretched down to her shoulders and she was wearing a long, tubular cloth where the top edge was folded down about halfway.

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