Part 3

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Two years later...

A horse carriage was quickly moving throughout the streets of the city of Delphi, One of the places that is under the rule of the Cyprus Empire, Which is one of the leading Superpowers in the Continent of Azis

The streets of the flourishing city emitted a positive atmosphere as it always does. The smiles of the People and the playing children could be seen all around, The prosperous state of the businesses of families and  merchants could be noticed, and the overall feeling of being in a healthy environment could be felt

"Woah...Miss Hava, this is such a peaceful city..."

The voice of amazement by the young little girl who is riding inside the carriage could be heard

"Indeed it is, It's under the rule of the Rosenblades after all. They're the most renowned out of all of the great families so I would expect nothing less...To be honest Lia, You're quite lucky to be working In a lovely environment" 

A more mature and adult-like voice calmly replied to her

Besides the coachman who is handling the navigations, Two people were inside the carriage 

One was an adult woman named Hava that looked around to be in her mid-twenties who was wearing a maid uniform. Her purple hair was long and elegant which stretched over her shoulders, and she had a dazzling and robust figure that would make all the men who see her think that she's some sort of succubus. 

And yet the woman's beautiful face was tenderly smiling, and she was looking at the sight of the excited little girl in front of her with her clear blue eyes like an innocent maiden. 

The other person, on the other hand, was a young little girl who looked around to be at the age of ten or eleven, Her hair is short and ashen colored and her green eyes were locked at the peaceful scenery of the city, She was also wearing the same uniform as Hava

But compared to Hava, the little girl's charm was lacking but it was by no means bad. Even though she is still young, the little girl's atmosphere and mannerisms seemed to be that of an adult's, which is beautiful in its own way

The name of the little girl is Lia but in truth, she had another identity, She was a hardworking adult from another world that goes by the name of Kawataba Junko.

"Yes, that may be the case"

Lia replied as she looked at the window of the carriage once more to inspect the city

This place looks really nice...Compared to the rowdy streets of Tokyo, it's is a nice change of pace...though come to think of it, I've been in this world for a while now but this is the first time that I've seen a city since the educators didn't allow us to leave and all...

"Lia, I'm sure that I don't need to remind you but watch what you say. The person whom you'll be serving is quite the troublesome person after all. Try to be patient and don't do anything to embarrass the name of the Victorian maids"

Urk...damn, you just had to remind me...

"I know that it's the rules but is it really too late to switch masters?"

Lia asked and used one of her signature moves named the "puppy eyes"

"Both of you agreed to the contract that was set so of course not "

Hava flatly denied

"Urk...understood ma'am..."

This is the worst...if I had only stopped to think a moment back then, I wouldn't have to deal with this...

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