Chapter Eight: Letter

Start from the beginning

"I'm Lee Hyukjae by the way," Hyukjae said as he offered his hands for a handshake.

"I'm Park Sanghyun." The guy said. "Your name is familiar, Mister."

The two men let go of the hands of each other. Hyukjae eyebrows were furrowed as well as Sanghyun's.

"My name is familiar?" Hyukjae said

"Yes, by any chance are you involved in an accident two years ago?" Sanghyun asked.

Hyukjae's eyebrows became more furrowed. He was confused about why Sanghyun know that he was involved in an accident two years ago. Maybe he knew it on the news.

"Yes, I am why?" Hyukjae asked.

Sanghyun faced changed into excitement. He beamed at Hyukjae and looked at him straight in the eyes. Hyukjae noticed some tears are forming in Sanghyun's eyes.

"That's why your name is familiar. You're the organ recipient of my sister."

Hyukjae was stunned. Organ recipient of his sister? He knew that he had undergone an eye transplant because his eyes were damaged when he had an accident. He was lucky during that time because there was a donor in the same hospital he was admitted to. So the operation was conducted as soon as his other wounds healed. But as the protocol of the hospital was to keep the organ donor information confidential, he doesn't know who was it.

"Organ recipient of your sister? What do you mean?" Hyukjae asked he felt his knees are trembling due to the nervousness and shocking truth.

"My sister is an organ donor," Sanghyun said. "She signed a waiver that she wanted to donate the healthy organs of her body before she died. She wanted to donate her eyes to someone who is in need, and now you have her eyes."

Hyukjae was silenced for the second time. He doesn't know how to respond to Sanghyun. Everything was a shock to him. He dropped to his knees as his legs became jelly. Sanghyun had helped him to stand up and lead him to the bench on the side. They took a seat.

"I am sorry. I shocked you." Sanghyun said.

Hyukjae took a deep breath and cleared his throat. He wanted to know more so he asked Sanghyun once again with all his might.

"May I know more about your sister?" He looked at Sanghyun with a determined look.

Sanghyun hummed. "My sister was a cancer patient. She was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukemia at the age of 10. She spent his entire childhood until her adult life in the hospital. The cancer cells in her body were so stubborn. One day, it will be gone and one day it will come back again. That's why during her entire life she was staying at the hospital."

Hyukjae looked down as he remembered what Dara in his dreams had told him. She had a complicated life. It must be the reason why she had a bucket list because she never had the chance to experience it.

"She was a fighter. She was very brave. And she never knew the word give up because that word never existed in her dictionary. Every cancer fight she experienced, she defeated it all. All of her doctors can't believe how strong she was. It wasn't easy to live when you knew you were sick. She underwent countless chemotherapy and imagine how painful it was to take all that treatment, but she never complained. She never cried. She is the bubbly, cheerful, and happiest person I ever knew."

Hyukjae smiled sadly because Dara was indeed a bubbly, cheerful, and the happiest person he knew at least in his dreams

"She was doing well in fighting cancer until two years ago." Sanghyun wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes. "Her body suddenly became weak. The cancer cells became aggressive causing her body to be unresponsive to the treatment and the doctors can't do anything about it. We are all scared about it, including Noona. I can tell she was scared behind those smiles and laughter she's been displaying but she accepted her fate without any hesitation."

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