Chapter Four: Evanescence

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Dara frowned and she pressed Hyukjae's together until it puckered. "It's a yes! Come on don't be picky Hyuk. I tried my best to pick all those headbands you rejected. Please just this once, accept it."

A grin had slightly formed in Hyukjae's puckered lips when he saw Dara's frowned. She was looking at him straight in the eyes with puppy eyes. And seeing those eyes, his stubborn refusal turns into a sweet surrender.

"Alright!" Hyukjae said. "Remove your hands! I'll wear this!"

"Really? Yay!" Dara squealed. She loosened the pressure on Hyuk's cheeks. She playfully gently slapped it three times before putting her hands down and grabbing his wrist.

"Let's go now Hyuk! Let's go to the ice cream shop. Let's eat ice cream!" Dara said and he dragged him towards the exit door of the shop.

Hyukjae chuckled and he suddenly stopped walking. Dara turned around and give him a confused look.

"Why did you stop?"

"We haven't paid this yet," Hyukjae said. "Do you want to go to jail instead of going to the ice cream shop?"

Dara gasped and her mouth agape. "Oh no, you're right!"

And he dragged Hyukjae's to the cashier counter instead...

"Hmm! This is yummy!" Dara exclaimed while wiggling her whole body, savoring the strawberry ice cream she's been eating on a cup.

Hyukjae chuckled, while he is watching Dara's reaction. He is also eating ice cream in a cup. They were seated on a bench in front of the ice cream shop, watching the shining stars above the sky. And the animal ears headbands were neatly placed beside them. They are eating in silence until Hyukjae had finished eating his cup. He throws it at the trash can beside the bench, and he checked Dara if she's finished eating. But when he looked at her, she was dazed and she's absent-mindedly scooping imaginary ice cream on her empty cup. His brows were furrowed confused about the odd behavior.

"Dara?" Hyukjae called

"Hmmm?" Dara unheedingly turned to him.

"Are you finished eating?" Hyukjae asked carefully.

Dara looked down at her cup. And she was surprised that she already finished it. "Oh! I didn't notice. I already finished it."

Hyujae's frown got deeper. Nevertheless, he didn't question Dara, he removed first the empty cup of Dara's hand and threw it into the waste bin. He glanced at her and again, she was dazed. And he can tell that something is bothering her.

"Dara?" Hyukjae said. And he gently tapped her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Dara looked at Hyukjae. "Nothing," And she smiled reassuringly. "I am just having some earnest thoughts."

"About what?" Hyukjae asked.

Dara paused for a minute. She was contemplating if she's gonna tell Hyukjae what was bothering her without offending the latter. But in the end, she decided just to voice what on her mind.

"I was just thinking why your answer to my question earlier about how does love feels was painful."

Hyukjae was silenced. He didn't expect that his answer will leave an impact on her. Dara looked at Hyukjae with serene eyes. If Hyukjae is still hurting over something she wanted to help him to forget about his pain. She wanted to help him change how he views love because she knew that love is not painful even though she didn't experience being in love yet.

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