He got dressed in a pair of pajama pants and made his way to bed. Annalise looked like an angel as she slept so soundly. He would do whatever it took to ensure she always slept so peacefully. He wrapped an arm around her and reveled at the way she instinctively latched onto him. She nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck and instantly went back to bed. He wanted to ruminate and think on what the next steps should be, but Annalise's warm embrace and heavenly scent drew him deeper and deeper into a blissful slumber.

Annalise left Luciano to sleep in while she got ready and made breakfast. She made a little bit of everything as she knew her husband was greedy. As she heard footsteps on the stairs, she couldn't help but look up and smile. His hair was disheveled and his tattoos seem to show brighter in the sunlight. "Buongiorno, il mio amore (Good morning, my love)." Luciano smiled at her before giving her a kiss. 

"Is this all for me?" Annalise rolled her eyes. "This is all for us. Yes, my greedy husband." He snickered as he watched her pour them orange juice. She made their plates and then sat down before looking at him. "What?" He said wiping his face. "Tell me what all happened down there." He groaned before filling her in on what was done to Eduardo and all that he had said.

"So, no mention of a rat?" Luciano shook his head. "We still have him. We're trying to see who he's working for." Annalise opened her eyes widely. "You didn't kill after what he said about me? You're growing babe." Luciano chuckled. "Trust me I was going to kill the son of a bitch, but Dante saw reason." He took a sip of his orange juice and smiled. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I want to talk about our honeymoon." Annalise groaned. 

"Babe, we can't go on our honeymoon right now." He pulled her from her seat and placed her in his lap. "Yes, we can and we're going. We leave tomorrow." Annalise was shocked. "What you have something planned already? What about Eduardo? The man who is seeking revenge?" He shook his head. "They'll all be here waiting for me when we get back. Our wedding day may have been ruined by this bitch, but our honeymoon won't be."

Annalise wanted to be excited. She wanted to throw her arms around him and smother him in kisses for putting them first, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was a bad idea. "I love you, Luc. I really want to spend quality alone time with you, but I don't think now is the right time." He stroked her face and pecked her lips. "Trust me, babe. Everything will be alright." Annalise lay her head on his shoulder as he kissed her forehead and sighed. 

She always used to trust her gut. She never moved unless everything felt copacetic, but she found herself going against her instinct when it came to Luciano. Her first instance was with Giovanni, but he did end up saving her life so maybe she was wrong about him. If she was wrong about Giovanni then she could be wrong about the trip.

"You need to get to packing, so I suggest you call Anastasiya over and get on it." Annalise smiled as he tickled her before getting up. He smacked her ass a bit harsher than intended earning him a glare before he began rubbing it. "Don't start something you can't finish." Annalise warned with a cheeky smile. "Oh, I plan on finishing it BUT tomorrow when we've reached our destination." Annalise whined. "Why? I want it now!" 

He chuckled at her before giving her a deep kiss. "Good D comes to those who wait." She rolled her eyes. "I've never heard that one before." She moved out of his embrace and sent Anastasiya a quick text. "Will we be somewhere tropical and sunny or cold and cozy?" He thought on it and then smiled. "Bring bathing suits that are barely there and for my eyes only." She rolled her eyes before making her way upstairs.

Luciano left once Anastasiya arrived to head back to the Rossi basement to see if more progress had been made. "All we know is that he's Mexican and whoever he works for is Mexican as well." Dante offered taking a sip of scotch. "Scotch for breakfast?" Dante shrugged. "I don't judge your vices, so don't judge mine." Luciano couldn't figure it out. The Rossi's had a great relationship with the Mexican families and cartels.

"Dad doesn't know whether to believe him or not since we don't have issues with any Mexicans, but this could also be someone new. Someone trying to make a name for themselves." Luciano thought on it. "How could someone new already have the man power and money needed to infiltrate our estate and attack over fifty ranked mafia families?" Dante shrugged again. "I'm just offering what is coming to mind."

"Anna and I are leaving town tomorrow." Dante quirked an eyebrow. "In the middle of all this?" Luciano nodded. "It's because of all this. Her big day was robbed from her I won't let anything else be taken. I'm taking her to Parana, Brazil for a week." Dante nodded appreciatively. "That's going to be beautiful." Luciano agreed. "She deserves it. I don't want to be bothered for shit. You need to handle things here. When I get back I'll do my part, capeesh?" Dante chuckled and nodded. "Enjoy it, brother. Also, I want a niece first so I can spoil her." Luciano laughed at his brother before shoving him. "Let's go beat the crap out of this motherfucker." Luciano said as he grabbed a brass knuckle ring and smiled. 

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