Baby Kent (Tim/Conor)

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Story Pairing; Tim x Conor

Tim smiled, holding the tiny bundle in his arms. His newborn son.

Tears pooled in his eyes, just watching the small figure sleep. Perfection didn't even begin to describe him. He was everything Tim had hoped he'd be and more.

He was in the manor, resting on the overly huge bed in his old room. Even though he and Conor have had their own place for a while now, Bruce insisted on Tim resting up here, instead of making the trip all the way back to Metropolis.

Tim was more than okay with that. It was quiet here. At least right now anyway. With everyone but Alfred and Conor out on patrol.

Tim should have been sleeping, since that's what the baby was doing now, but he couldn't help himself from watching him.

Every little movement and noise had Tim falling even more in love.

A petite little nose paired with perfect pink lips and little ears. Dark hair that could have easily come from either him or Conor.

Lots of it.

Bright blue eyes that Tim wished he could see now, but the way he scrunched his face in his sleep more than made up for it.

He was so tiny. Just 6 pounds.

That he definitely got from Tim.


Conor walking in finally broke Tim's trance as he looked up, smiling widely at his husband.

Conor smiled, eyeing him though. "Tim, you should be resting. Sleeping. The doctor said, 'if he's asleep you should be asleep.'" He walked over, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside Tim.

In response, Tim just pouted. "But look at him. Conor, he's perfect. I just can't take my eyes off him."

He looked back down then, just as the baby stretched and made a soft noise, but stayed sleeping peacefully in Tim's arms.

Tim sniffled a little, trying, but failing, to hold back tears.

Conor gently cupped his cheek, thumbing away a few tears. "He is perfect, isn't he? Just like his daddy."

Tim chuckled, rolling his eyes as he looked up at Conor. "Not now. I mean, I'm all bloated and sore and gross, but him...I couldn't have imagined anything better."

Conor sighed happily, chuckling at Tim as he watched him with loving eyes. "We still need to pick a name. We can't call him baby Kent forever."

Tim chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess not. I just don't know. The names we picked...they just don't fit."

Tim pouted as Conor moved to lay beside him, wrapping his arm around him protectively. "Then let's pick something else. What name comes to mind when you look at him?"

Conor moved his free hand, gently cradling their baby's head in it.

Tim hummed thoughtfully for a moment before smiling excitedly. "Axel...Axel Thomas Kent."

Conor smiled happily and kissed Tim's cheek. "It's perfect, Tim. Axel. I love it." He held Tim's gaze for a moment before looking down at their son. "Hi, Axel. Papa loves you so much buddy."

Tim sighed happily, sleep finally weighing down on him. It seemed finally choosing a name was all Tim had to do.

He let Conor take Axel and cuddle him close as he tucked Tim in, kissing him softly before moving to lay Axel in the bassinet.

Everything was calm and perfect. The three of them making up a perfect little family in their own way.

Tim really couldn't have imagined anything better. He had his husband and his son now. His two beautiful boys.

Nothing would ever change how he felt about either of them.

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