"Mr. Rossi, your table is ready." He didn't have to give his name. He didn't have to say anything. The hostess led them to the top of the restaurant where the magic really happened. The restaurant was called the Sundial because the top of the restaurant rotated and gave a 360-degree view of the city.

They took their seats and Annalise couldn't help but smile at the view. "I've wanted to come here for so long." Luciano loved the look of excitement and appreciation on her face. "Why didn't you? You're a household name yourself. You could get a reservation instantly."

She shook her head. "I don't like using my name and status to get things. I honestly go by a different moniker when I don't have to be Annalise Monroe." Luciano quirked an eyebrow causing her to laugh. "I'm Anna Moreau 98% of my life. It's just safer and humbler that way." Luciano loved learning new things about her. "I am usually lowkey. I do what I must for the family, but otherwise I'm at home designing protypes and building computers."

"Have you always been good with technological stuff?" He nodded with a smirk. "I love it. It's like a second skin to me. A language I was born knowing." She loved how his eyes lit up as he spoke. It was clear he was passionate about his work and hobby. Annalise noticed Giovanni take a seat with the other driver in the corner away from them with the other men and furrowed her eyebrow.

"How long has Giovanni been working for you?" Luciano looked behind him before looking back at her. "About two years, why?" She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. "Hey," he placed his hand over hers. "You can tell me anything, alright?" She smiled at him before intertwining their fingers. "I don't trust him." Luciano sat back and thought on her words. "I know I'm the new girl, but something about him sets off alarms."

"He's icy, yes, but he's good. He's been loyal and protective since he got here. You have nothing to worry about, il mio amore. He's good, I promise." Annalise didn't believe a single word Luciano said. She knew what she felt and Giovanni was dangerous.

"You know, my Dad's men rotate their security. Maybe we can do the same with the Rossi men to ensure no one gets comfortable." Luciano seemed to think it over and approve. He wanted his men to be on alert when it came to him and especially Annalise. "Okay, bambina, I'll have the men on our detail rotate. We'll have two different guys every day of the week and our usual on Mondays and weekends."

It was the most Annalise was going to get so she simply nodded. The waiter came to take their orders and spent a little too much time ogling Annalise and her cleavage. "Do you like looking at what doesn't belong to you?" Luciano said in the most menacing voice. Annalise put her hand over his and tried to calm him. The waiter looked like a deer in headlights.

"I asked you a question!" Luciano barked. "No sir, I'm sorry." The man scurried off to the kitchen in such a hurry he looked like Barry Allen himself. "You're too jealous, Luc." Annalise chided before taking a sip of her wine. "I'm not jealous enough. All of these stronzi (fuckers) think they can disrespect me and you by looking at you the way they do. I'm never going to let that fly. I'll die before men look at you or treat you like your just a piece of meat."

She smiled up at him. "My knight in shining armor." He chuckled before kissing her knuckles. "I don't know about knight, but I do promise to protect you with everything that I am." Annalise looked at the sincerity and seriousness in his eyes and smiled. "I promise to do the same, hubby." He chuckled at her.

"We're getting married." She nodded happily. "It's crazy to think all that's happened in the last 48 hours." He shrugged. "Time moves fast in our world. Besides, I'm just making up for all the years I wasted not knowing you." She laughed at him before rolling her eyes. "You're such a cheese ball." As they ordered their dinner, Annalise noticed the waiter from earlier was long gone. As they enjoyed their meal, they enjoyed their conversation even more.

They spent hours talking about everything and anything and it made them feel closer. "Your go to weapons are knives." Luciano asked her as they got back into the SUV. "Yup. They're so light and lethal. I've mastered them and always carry some on me at all times," she whispered in his ear before taking his earlobe in her mouth.

Luciano stifled the moan that was ready to escape well aware that Giovanni and Lorenzo were in the front seats. "What are you doing, my love?" He whispered against her lips. "Nothing," Annalise winked before sitting back. They played with one another's fingers as the silently rode home.

It was a good night and Annalise couldn't help the smile that splayed on her face. As they pulled up to the house and exited, she noticed that Luciano was hanging back. "What's going on?" She inquired with a quirked brow. "I have to go handle something really quick, but I'll be back soon. Go relax and I'll join you in no time."

He gave her a deep kiss. She gave him a skeptical look but did as she was told. He watched her hips sway as she walked into the house and groaned. "That's the kind of woman you would kill for," Lorenzo said with a smile. "Yeah, starting with you for looking at her." Luciano bit back. They entered the car and made their way to one of the Rossi warehouses.

Luciano said hello to the men already at the facility before walking into a fairly lit room. In the chair behind a table was Dave. "David! You made it!" Luciano said happily. "I wanted to thank you for being so forthcoming with the intel that allowed me not only to kill Broderick, but wipe out every last one of his men. Except you that is."

Luciano had a smile on his face that was menacing. Dave knew immediately that he was in danger and had no idea how to save himself. "I'm glad I could help, sir. If that is all I'll be going now." He made a move to stand up but was shoved right back down by the man he learned was Vincenzo. He was a big and wide Italian man that seemed more bear than human.

"See, that's not going to be all. I still need you. You're going to pay what you owe for that stunt you pulled behind the club starting with this." Instantly two men held him down against the table while his left arm was outstretched. He watched as another man brought Luciano a machete that glistened in the light. "No! No!!!" Dave yelled as he tried to wriggle his way out. "You had the audacity to touch what was mine. You touched my wife. MY WIFE!" Luciano yelled angrily. "That very hand will be part of your payment." With that the sound of skin and bone being severed could be heard. Blood shot out everywhere as Dave's screams filled the room.

He was let go as he crumbled to the floor cradling his arm. "Now that that's done, I have more work for you to do. You're going to work with Vincenzo here and get me intel on every organization Broderick was working with. I know what he was making and he had way too much loot and backup for a man pulling in what he was pulling. Work with me, David and I'll ensure that I won't need any more body parts for payment." Luciano leaned over and patted him on the back. "Clean him up and then show him to his new quarters."

Luciano made his way back outside to the car where Giovanni and Lorenzo waited. He couldn't help that the bug about Giovanni that Annalise had planted had taken root. He was going to ensure that he stuck to just driving him around before he could do more research to quell Annalise's fears and concerns. As he entered his house, he couldn't help but smile at the difference Annalise already made. It felt warmer. It felt like a home.

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