chapter 69

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POV: 3rd person
Since the group of four stayed together, the bedroom needed to be renovated. Sonic had the room at the end of the hall. Tails' was next to his. And the guest room was further down the hall next to Tails'.

Since the bedroom needed to get bigger, Tails moved his stuff to the guest bedroom, his new room. Of course he had help since he couldn't move the furniture on his own.

The wall between Sonic's and Tails' old bedroom got taken down by Knuckles' fists. Floor was placed where the wall once stood. When that was done and the room had been cleaned, the bedroom was remodeled so it wasn't cramped.

Sonic wanted to get things for the babies now that that was done. They got in touch with a store that sold baby goods and asked if they could drop by. The store had to be closed so it would be just them and the manager had to keep their mouth shut about it. The store agreed to do so, so the family went shopping. Rouge and Blaze got to babysit the kids while Tails went to Angel Island to build a contraption around the Master Emerald to keep it safe. Knuckles was going to quit being a guardian to raise his son.

"control!" Shadow had chaos controlled them to the location of the store. Only the store manager was there, no employees so there wouldn't be any chance of gossip. The store had shut down so no one could peek in.

Sonic thanked the store manager. She was very understanding and said they could take as long as they want and they would get a discount.

"So, what is it that we need again?" Knuckles asked, scratching the back of his head.

"We will start with one crib." Sonic said. The kids were still young and could do with one crib. They were bonding and huddling together which made Sonic not want to put them in different cribs. He chose one to his liking.

They also needed rompers, pacifiers, drink bottles, and toys, lots of toys.

Sonic's eyes lit up while he was looking through the rompers. It was a blue romper with the text 'gotta grow fast!' printed on it in red letters. It would fit Stripes perfectly.

"Shadow!" His tail wagged. He went to show his mate. Shadow and Knuckles were fighting about who got a certain romper. It was a dull green romper with the green Chaos Emerald on it.

Knuckles wanted it cause it looked like the Master Emerald and it was part of echidna culture. Shadow wanted it because the green Chaos Emerald was his.

Sonic groaned at the two bickering and interfered. "Shadow, how about we get matching rompers for our boys?" He took one from the pile. A blue romper with the red Chaos Emerald on it.

Shadow agreed to that and took it, letting Knuckles have the other one. Silver showed Sonic the one he had chosen for the twins. Pearl got pink and Blue got yellow which matches his eyes.

They got spares for all the kids since they needed more than one, especially if they got those dirty. And they would find a way.

The kids got pacifiers in similar colors to their rompers. The bottles had the caps in the color as their fur, but their name would be written on them just in case.

"That's a lot of toys." Sonic said, looking at the toy section. He didn't know what to get for the kids.

"Skye and Stripes are more wild. I don't think normal toys will do for them." Shadow said. "They need something to chew on, or chase." He went to look for that.

Sonic put whatever appealed to him in the shopping cart. Silver dumped blocks in the cart, blocks were fun.

Shadow couldn't find what he was looking for so said he would be off to the pet store. There he found what he was looking for. He got some toys to chew on and balls to chase. He looked at a laser pointer and put it in the basket as well. He also bought two harnesses to keep his kids near when he didn't want to have them running off or chaos controlling away.

"Done?" He went back to the baby store when he had paid. The manager was scanning the last products.

"Almost." Sonic smiled and kissed his cheek. He paid for their stuff and Shadow teleported them and their goods home.

"We're back!" Sonic announced. He was greeted by Skye who appeared on his head. Stripes run up to him, tail wagging. Pearl and Blur were reaching out for him. He hugged and nuzzled all of them. "Where is Junior?" He asked Rouge.

"We put him to bed. Little thing sleeps a lot." The bat answered. "So, what did you get?"

"A lot." Sonic said. "We got the cutest rompers!" He went to show the girls.

Meanwhile Knuckles carried the crib upstairs and the three semes put it together. Sonic played with the kids while they were at it. Tails came back somewhere later the day when the contraption was finished.

That night the babies got to sleep in their new crib in their new rompers. Sonic was leaning on the crib, watching them sleep and cuddle.

"Bedtime." Knuckles walked up behind him and picked him up. The three semes had been lying in bed for a while, waiting for their uke. Sonic was put in the middle and cuddled by all three of them.

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