He's putting everything in his attacks to bring me down.

Snf Snf

He sniffed the air. "There you are." He discovered the location where Ruby and the others were headed.

Oh no! I quickly glance at the way he's facing.

He dashed towards them and then, I created a barrier in front of him.

He crashed into it and recoiled back with his face planted on the ground.

"You just don't give up do you?" Says Lupin as he stood up and rubbed his nose.

"I won't let you kill our friend! She's not the one we're looking for Lupin! Please stop this madness!" I said.

Lupin still ignored my words and instead, clicked his tongue. "I guess I'm gonna have to beat the crap out of you."

He rushed towards me, destroying the nearby streetlights and the road in the process.

I shielded the buildings where people are still inside.

I can't afford to let him kill even a single civilian because of his rampage.

I was struggling to keep up since this is my first time fighting while protecting people from being killed. Especially the civilians in the area.

He slashed downwards, but I blocked it with my weapon and parried it.

I punch him hard and landed a solid hit on his face.

"Goddamn it Lupin!" I shouted.

He was pushed away and crashed on a bench.

He stood up, unfazed and wiped his mouth where it's bleeding.

We fought on the city where tremors could also be felt. The police are on their way to the scene.

They were still busy in the docks since they were investigating and apprehending the remaining White Fang members so, they were shorthanded at the moment.

* * *

"I...I didn't know." Weiss embraced herself while shaking.

"It's okay Weiss, Theo's gonna do something about it." Says Ruby as she comforted her friend.

Team JNPR was approaching from a distance.

"Hey! What's happening!?" Jaune shouted.

"It's Lupin! He went on a rampage and wanted to kill Weiss! Theo is doing everything he can to stop him!" Blake explained to them.

"What!? How!?" Says Jaune.

Ruby placed her hand on Blake's shoulder and explained everything to them. The results? The same as everyone. They were surprised as well.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Weiss covered her ears while she cried.

Ruby embraced Weiss and she hugged back while crying.

"We've got to help them!" Says Nora.

"Are you crazy!? We all know how crazy strong Lupin is! Only Theo can stop him!" Says Yang.

They all clenched their fists. "We can't just stand here and do nothing! Theo helped us back then. Now it's our turn to return the favor." Says Jaune.

"He's right." Says Pyrrah.

"We all know that! It's just that...we're so powerless right now!" Ruby was frustrated.

"Isn't there something we can do?" Says Sun.

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