Chapter 10

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Johan walked up and down the boulevard. He wanted to see if Mia was following him. This helped him to clear his mind. He was going to tell his dad that he couldn't look for his cousin. There was just enough time. His case took precedence. He scanned the cars and the people strolling with him. Mia was not following him. He got her off his case for now.
Sitting in his car, he wondered what he should next. It was nearly nine o'clock. And he couldn't stake out Yvette without knowing how she looked. He decided to meditate at home where it would be safe and figure our his next step.
He was stumped that was for sure and he felt it in his body. He needed to relax and center himself. Then he sensed that odd feeling again. It was like somebody looking at him but with feelings of love and compassion. It was odd and he wasn't sure if he should trust those feelings.
Yet, something was oddly familiar with these feelings. He didn't want to stop it but he wanted to understand. He drove away. The feeling persisted for most of the drive home. Parking his car into his parking space. He scanned around. It was always dark in this spot and he had talked to the apartment manager to add another lamp light.
Yet, his magical senses was always working and he knew nobody was around. He could only sensed within a fifteen foot radius around him. Except, if a powerful mage or magical creature crept up on him they would have a chance to suprise him.
He moved up a walk way and went upstairs. His apartment was on the left. Unlocking his door, he walked inside. He wanted to just close his eyes and not think. Except he had somethign to do before he could sleep.
He wanted to test something and usea magic spell that could help him visit each of the murder sites without going there. Changing into sweats and another T-shirt, he got ready. He knew the astro projection was limited in a sense that he could not use all his senses, but could help him look at the murder scene in a different way. Unless, he was powerful like his master.
Johan placed several wards around his apartment just in case somebody tried to come at him while he was under the spell. He sat cross-leg on the floor. Closing his eyes, he gathered his magic and his will. He started to float upwards and moved several feet in the air.
Concentrating, he thought of the place where the victim inside the warehouse. His spiritual body didn't float upwards but raced toward his goal. He stood at the very edge of the warehouse. It was dark without the lights of CSI on. Yellow crime scene tape was on the front of the entrance. His spiritual body moved through the entrance.
Looking around, there was nobody inside and out. He didn't sense anything stirring except maybe rats and insects. He cast a spell and a round glowing orb appeared. The interior of the warehouse was illuminated. He realized the machines he saw the night before was only a couple of presses and drills nothing remarkable.
The floating pieces of the body was gone taking away by the CSI group. Yet, this wasn't the reason why he came here. He knew when any mage would create a spell or anything magical an echo of the the magic would still be in the air. It was a arcane DNA. And he could learn a little of the magic user or maybe who casted the spell.
He moved toward the back area where the jigsaw pieces of the body were located. More crime scene tape was located in the back area. He thought he had his bag but remembered he was only in spirit form and couldn't bring anything solid with him.
He spoke several spidery words of spell. The area around the crime scene suddenly illuminated with different swirling colors of bright lights and then faded. He recognized the main spell which was the arcane magic that his master knew. 
Johan knew this spell could be given to any number of wizards. The other arcane powers were woven masterfully together. It would had taken a long time to create. He kept searching through the spells.
It was there, he knew, the first spell. Then he gasped he found the first spell. The woman was still alive when he conjured it. The spell was a cutting spell created by wind and ice powers. The wind essence was for cutting the body and the ice power to trap the body in the jigsaw pattern.
It was a ghastly spell. It was macabre and dangerous at the same time. The magic user would have used tremendous amount of power and could render him him dead of unconscious.

Johan scanned the tapestry of the arcane power lines. It he almost got lost in its artistry. He sense something and went straight toward it. Then suddenly he felt a bright light exploding at him. It was a trapped created by the killer.
He pulled his spirit body back just in time. If he was actually at the scene, he would had been hurt or maimed. The killer was clever. Even in this astral body, he could had also been hurt. Not in body but by his magical essence causing him harm internally. Luckily, he recognized it.
He created a magical shield before most of the spell hit him. He rushed back to his real self. His body was sprawled on the ground not floating like normal. Trying to get up, he felt his body was hit by a large truck. His body seemed to be squeezed and then let go.
Touching his mouth, he saw blood. Great, he thought, he should had shielded himself before he tried to explore the murder sites. He would know better. Pushing himself into a sitting position, his cell phone buzzed.
He stood unsteadily and grabbed it. He already knew who it was and he saw on the screen the name.
"Master," Johan said. "I'm fine."
"I felt you being hit. Are you okay? Do you need one of my apprentices to help you?"
Johan didn't want their help only his masters. "No, I'll be fine. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. I need to get some rest."
"Are you sure? You're hurt."
"I'm sure. I'll survive."

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