Chapter 3

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Detective Sloan said, "Another body? I don't believe you."
Johan told Detective Sloan an address. "Go see for yourself. The killer wanted us to find both bodies."
Detective Sloan nodded. "Let's go see. Are you almost done here?"
"Yes, the ME can take the body pieces. They'll stop floating after they grab it."
They walked away. Detective Sloan was walking fast and stopped at the outside another Detective waited outside. It was his partner.
Detective Sloan said, "Chewy, we have another corpse according to Houdini here. Stay at this crime scene."
Johan knew Chewy was called Detective Johnston but Sloan always called her by his nickname.
"So, can I sit in the front seat?" Johan said.
"Very funny. Get inside."
Johan gave Sloan an address. It was a house Johan could tell by street name. He saw in brief glances where to find the next body and it was different than the other corpses. He knew. The last three bodies were prostitutes* and dumped in industrial districts but this one was different, significant even.
Johan said, "Why do you call Detective Johnston, Chewy?"
"Ah, it's because he chews so loud."
They took a freeway toward the southern section of LA. It was an high end residential area. The houses were beyond six figures.
Sloan said, "Are you sure this is correct?"
The car moved among the large mansions on both side with large ornate gates in front and high bushes obscuring any any on lookers. Trees and foliage lined the sides of the street. Their path started to go upwards into a mountain area. The mansions and houses disappeared. They moved up toward the foothills of LA.
After the recession of 2009 many of the homes and mansions stood empty. Looking at the mansions in the foothills of LA, Johan was struck of how many of the homes were still for sale and not occupied. The street moved up the windy hill. They passed several large homes with for sale signs on them.
Detective stopped his car at a large modern looking mansion. They didn't park in the drive way.
"Grab a flashlight and let me take the lead. The home looks unoccupied. But I'll knock."
They got out of the car. A large for sale sign by owner was posted at the front. They walked up the long round driveway. The double door front door had a large square portico leading toward the entrance. It was dark with no signs of lights inside or out. The sound of crickets was heard in the stillness of the night.
Johan looked around the front of the large mansion. There was a pathway leading toward the back and he followed it by instinct. Something was pulling him and sensed it.
"Hey," Sloan said, "Where are you going?"
Johan didn't answer. He kept moving. The moonlight was enough for him to discern the path. It was cement with bushes and leaves over growing the path. He almost intoned a light spell but he didn't want to spook Sloan. But Johan was always prepared. He took out a small flashlight and shined it forward.
The cement path moved forward the back area of the house. He saw the large windows of the mansion looking dark and forlorn in the night. Sloan was behind him not saying anything. He knew when to be quiet.
The path split and he stood at the fork and waited. The killer wanted him to find the next body and he knew he would have gave him some type of clue.
Sloan said, "What's wrong?"
"It's fine. Just wait," he said.
Then he saw it. Something glittered down the path on the left. He knew Sloan wouldn't see it but he did. It was a little dust of magic position on a bush, barely enough for him to sense.
The path opened up to the back of the house. He saw a round deep impression on the ground. It was a pool. He pointed to it. Sloan also had his small flashlight and pointed it downwards. There was nothing there.
Johan didn't see anything inside the inner recesses of the pool and moved around it. His senses was trying to feel around this. Then it hit him. He needed to use his magical eye. But he needed to prepare.
"Sloan, moved to the side and wait. I need to do something."
Johan moved along the pool making sure he scanned ahead of him.

He walked upon a overgrown grassy area. He heard the sound of crickets and he was about to intone the spell but he stopped and shined his flashlight toward and he saw it. Something was floating a few feet from where he stood and moved back closer to the pool. Sloan must had noticed and he shined his light toward the directed he was pointing his.
Sloan swore. Johan ignored him. And moved back and forth to find the correct vantage point. He almost hit the pieces of the floating corpses. It was another scene. He finally found the correct way to see it.
Johan thought the pieces of the floating jigsaw puzzle was to numerous to be just one corpse and he was correct. The scene before him arrange by the killer was actually three corpses.
"Manet," Johan whispered.
"What?" Sloan said. He moved and stood at the same area he was in. Johan stood aside and let the detective see. He swore again. "What the hell?"
Johan said, "The killer created a recreation of a painting by Manet. Luncheon on the something. I cannot remember."
Sloan was already dialing into his cell phone. He was calling it in. "When have another one."

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