Chapter 6

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They sat in a large living room. Johan loved how he could see the dark wood of the house was also shown on the walls and roof. The couches and shelves were also of the same wood. His master didn't look old but Johan knew he was close to eighty years old. But his vigorous energy and catlike movements showed that he still had enough years of his life left.
His master said, "Johan, why don't you stay here? I have enough room for you."
"No, I like living out on my own. Besides your other apprentices don't like me," he said.
"That's not true."
His master had two other apprentices. There was Marlene and Sojourn.
"I know it."
His master said, "You should be teaching them. You mastered almost everything I taught you."
It was this again, Johan thought. His mastered didn't approve of his detective business. But he never said it directly.
"Yes, thank you. I just wanted to ask you something."
Johan explained to his master how the murder victims where cut into pieces, frozen and then levitated into mid-air. His master nodded and didn't say anything for a few seconds. His eyelids closed.
He was used to his master's thinking. He waited and sensed his master was casting some type of conjuring spell. A. book appeared before him.
His master opened his eyes The book opened to a section. Johan saw the spidery words of magic and could learnt how to read it.
His master said, "Ah, there was a spell about levitating and freezing at the same time. But this killer of yours is gifted. He combined some spells together. It was pure artistry."
Johan shifted on the couch. He grabbed for his coffee and sipped it. "So, do you know anybody who could do this?"
"Yes, a few people come to mind. But most of them are retired."
"How about somebody not local. Maybe from somewhere else." he said.
"I can check. I'm not sure."
"This spell you found in this book. What type of spell is it? I should of remember it," Johan said.
"Yes, you have read this book before. But this arcane spell is for battle arts. Only a talented mage can do it during a battle."
"I'm glad we don't have to fight anymore. We have other covenential means for fighting."
"Yes, we have guns now."
Sojourn came into the room. The tall apprentice came in. He was young and bowed to his master and also to him.
Sojourn said, "Hello master, are we ready for our lesson?"
"Almost," his master said.
Sojourn smirked at him and left the living room.
Johan said, "Can you give me the names of the mages who could of do this?"
"Yes, the only person I know in Los Angeles is Mathew Longo," his master said.
"Mathew Longo, the great illusionist."
"Yes, the one and the same."
"Do you have his address?"


Johan drove along Hollywood Boulevard, Mathew Longo the great Illuisionist also known at the Longo the Great or Longo the Best Wizard of California. Johan called ahead and made an appointment to meet Mathew. The secretary almost said that he was busy. But he said he was good friend to Master Craig Zonitch.
He was placed on hold and he was given an appointment in the afternoon. Before he drove toward Hollywood, he grabbed a bite to eat at Burgers and more. It was a small eatery off the 101 freeway.
Mathew Longo's house was a mansion in the Hollywood Hills. He knew he should had called Detective Sloan but he didn't have any hard evidence to implicate him. The mansion was guarded by a ornate ten foot metal gate. His car idled as he jumped out and pressed an intercom button on a metal box.
"Hi, my name is Johan Faraday. I have an appointment at three today."
A voice said, "Yes, your expected."
The gate started to opened. It creaked as it slid to the side. He drove his car up a pathway. The mansion was large and modern looking.

All long panes of glass with metal prongs sticking out of the walls. Johan parked by the big double glass doors. Nobody greeted him and he felt like he was at a business office than a house. He walked up to the door and opened the it by turning the latch handle. He was greeted by a voice.
A young woman tall almost six foot dressed in casual jeans and a shirt waited for him. She had long red hair in a pony tail. She would had been pretty if she didnt stare at him with a disapproval face. Johan's footsteps echoed on the white tiled floor. He moved closer to him.
A winding staircase was toward the right and he said, "Yes, I talked to somebody on the phone about meeting Mr. Longo."
"We're expecting you. Mr. Longo is waiting in the library for you. Please not to take to long. Mr Longo is tired."
She moved toward the closed doorway to the right and opened it.
A voice from inside said, "Thank you Clara. Let him in."
Johan strolled into the room. The library was caverous. Shelves were packed wall to wall with books. Mr. Longo stood up slowly. He sat behind a dark wood desk. A man was next to him and helped him.
Mr. Longo said, "I can do it myself."
The great illusionist looked ninety and moved with great pain. Mr. Longo grimaced as he held up his right hand. Johan quickly moved toward him and shook it. Then he took a seat across from him and he waited as the illusionist sat.
"So, you're one of Master Zonitch proteges? I can see magic radiating from you."
"Yes," he said. Johan wondered if this was a bad idea coming here. Mr. Longo was not the killer. But he already exhausted all his suspects.
Johan noticed that the library was actually comfortable compared to the business look of the exterior.
"So, what can I do for you? I'm retired from both the stage and teaching."
Johan understood. The great illusionist didn't have any apprentices to him.
"I'm working on a case and wanted to know if you could help me."
"Tell me," he said.
Johan hesitated. He wanted to talk to him alone.
Mr. Lohan said, "Don't worry about him. He's my nurse and protector. He'll not speak about this to anybody."
The man nodded his head. Johan explained to him about his case.
Mr. Lohan said, "So, you're wondering who is powerful enough and skillful enough to do this."
"Yes," he said.

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