Chapter 5

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Johan walked through a short hallway and into the living room. He saw a dark skinned lady standing there. Her hair was pepper gray and her dark brown eyes looked at him. She wore a long black dress and her bare feet poked underneath.
She said, "My name is Gracie. I see that you're a magic user."
"Yes, I just want to ask if you can help me," he said.
Gracie didn't say a word to him for a few seconds. Johan felt tendrils of magic flowing from her. He had felt this before when his master tried to read his mind. Johan could had stop the probe be he didn't.
Gracie said, "Come to the back. I was enjoying my tea. Do you want anything?"
"No, I'm fine."
He followed her through the living room into the dining areas and out the glass patio doors to the back. He was shocked of what he saw in the backyard. He saw a long space of cut grass and flowers and large ferns. There was a two metal seats and a table.
She sat on the seat on the right and he moved to the left and also sat. He noticed there was two white porcelain cups with saucers underneath it on the table. Before he could respond, she already poured a cup for herself and for him.
She said, "I already knew you would be coming to talk to me. You're a detective?"
"Yes," he said. "There has been these magical killings in LA."
She held up his hand. "Drink your tea while it's still warm."
He sipped it. The tea was better than good. It was fabulous. "Is this tea infused with something?"
"No, just regular green tea. And for your question, I cannot help you. Do you want some cookies?"
A small white plate appeared with several white with creme cookies on it.
Johan was not a tea drinker. He like his coffee black without any sugar or milk. He like the bitterness.  But this tea was not strong and calmed him.
"So you knew I was coming," he said.
"Yes, I have the sense. And no I'm not a suspect. But your wouldn't believe me."
He stated at her. "So, where we you last night around 8 to midnight?"
"Here like always. I have another person who. A sorceress. You can contact her if you wish."
"Maybe later. But I hoped you can steer me in the right direction," he said.
"So you're wondering what an Oracle does?"
"I can see predictions and know the future," she said as a matter of fact. "You're master told you about me?"
"Not everything. He said that you're powerful and not to lie to you."
"He's a wise man. I know your master. He's nice and you can learn a lot from."
Johan took another sip of his tea. He like sitting here in the backyard like they were friends.
"Yes I think so too."
They were quiet for a while. She said, "I know your mom."
Johan was sad and then confused. Why did the Oracle say that.
"How did you know her? I thought she died in the Philippines?"
"Yes, I was in the Philippines for a while. Your mom also had the prophetic sight. Did you know that?"
"No, I hardly know her. My dad took me to California after she died."
"Too bad."
Gracie sipped her tea and looked out toward the roses and flowers. Johan had never felt this peace before but he should be mad or should be trying to find out about the Oracle.
"Thank you I might want to come back here and question you more," he said. He stood and his body felt wooden and unsure.
Gracie said, "I can tell you the person you're looking for is a psychopath but has tremendous power. So, be careful. You're invited to come back."
"Thank you."
Johan stood.
She said, "You can see yourself out."
Johan walked through the house and out toward his car. He looked back at the yellow house. He wanted to ask more about his mom but it was not the time.


Johan drove away thinking he had to check back with Gracie. She didn't give him any answers but gave him more questions.  He should visit his master. It had been two months since he came to his house. He had to think who was still on his suspect list and he got zilch, nobody. He check the list of magic users from his own list he got from his master and came up with exactly nothing.
Maybe, the killer was somebody local. Maybe, it was somebody outside. He got on the freeway and drove to the city of Pasadena. He was lucky the traffic was light going this way and he considered getting a bite to eat but instead drove all the way to Pasadena without stopping. 
The 134* freeway ended and changed into a regular street and he took this toward Colorado* boulevard. He thought about the Rose Parade that happened every year on January 1st. His master lived close by and a few times he walked there with him to get a seat to see the floats. On rare occasions, his dad with find them and they would watch together.
Johan always liked Pasadena. It was a city with affluent people and great historical homes. There was an art museum and beautiful gardens of the HB library. His master home was cloistered in the hills and few blocks from the famous Art Center College. His home was built in a Craftsman style and he loved everything about it.
It took him another thirty minute to reach his destination. He drove up a long round drive way and parked his car by the front porch. As he got out a servant awaited him. Johan asked him how his master had all this money. He said he was fortunate. But hinted that his master when he died gave him vast money.
The servant said, "Hello Johan, come inside."

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