Ah.. he feels better now..

With the help of (Y/n), Levi manages to prop up his body to sit on the sofa.

"Are you alright, sir ??"

It feels good to know that the woman beside him actually cares about his well being and looks out for him. It's a shame that she only does it out of habit from the job. (Y/n) was trained to make sure everything is alright for the vice president after all.

He keeps his mouth shut, instead he sends her an unreadable stare. Not a gentle one, but not a deadly one either. Levi can still feel his body hyperventilating as a side effect of waking up from a nightmare.

-------A few minutes later--------

"Have some tea, sir."

(Y/n) set down a cup of black tea on the table and sit beside him.

Earlier, she suggested that Levi should sit outside, on his outdoor garden just near the terrace so that he could get a breather and settle down first.

She rotates her body to face him just a little, "Have you calmed down ?"

"Yes. Thanks to you."

Silence engulfed the two.

"I don't want to be alone tonight." He finally spoke.

"Do you want me to drive you to your family's residence ? Or perhaps I should call Mr. Smith to accompany you-"

"Ms. (L/n)." Levi halts her blabbering for a mere second.

She nods, ready to receive order, "Yes, sir ?"

"Can't you stay the night, Just for tonight ?"

Levi doesn't see the need to swallow his pride for saying it, he indeed still feels traumatized in an.. unspoken way. Slowly, the vice president turned to the side to look at his secretary and make eye contact.

Baffled, (Y/n) could only blink, "Pardon ?"

"Stay here. Tonight." He uttered.

"Look, I know how scary it is after a nightmare, but you're not a child anymore. You can't just....."

She froze.

'Hold on.. Does he really mean..'

While racking a hand through his hair, Levi points to a certain direction in his house, "I meant the guest room, and I asked because it's late night already. So why are you all flustered, hm ?"

"P-pardon ?"

"You used to stay the night here often after working late back then, remember ? What's so different from just now ?"

Her eyes widened. Realization hits her like a damn Hogwarts Express Train.

"O-oh yes ! Of course, sir. I guess I kinda forgot that I used to stay here after work haha.."

She quickly averts her face from him, silently barking every curse word she knows in her mind. Scolding herself from thinking.. dirty things..

"Then mind telling what you were thinking, Ms. (L/n) ?"

'Fuck my life..'

(Y/n) turns to face him really quickly, flashing a nervous, innocent smile, "E-expecting ? I wasn't expecting anything pfft." But then her face turns pale after she sees the smug look on her boss' face.

As if he knew it already.

"Mhmm.. keep telling yourself that. I always know what's going on in the head of a brat."



With a click of his tongue, Levi answers the incoming call that interrupts their session. Every once in a while, he would hum and say 'fine' or 'fuck off'. Then he ends the call.

"Unfortunately," Levi stares closely at (Y/n), "I can't have you stay the night here after all. Sorry to disappoint your imagination."

Oh god... Levi feels like he's a goddamn pro for being able to hold back a smirk.

On the other hand, (Y/n) faked a gasp, "disappoint, sir ? Oh no no, I had no intentions to stay the night in the first place," then she makes a cross symbol in front of her chest with both her arms, "well, it looks like you're all better, sir, so I'll be dismissing myself for tonight."

Then, the flustered woman heads off to the exit door in a rather rushing manner.

A pair of steel blue eyes can only watch her in slight amusement...

...and adoration.


The secretary who's still clad in her sport event clothing, absentmindedly strolls through the street to get home. Kicking any pebbles that make contact with her shoes.

'I wonder what the hell is wrong with Mr. Ackerman these days...'

She was lost in her thoughts, not noticing that she walked straight into a tall figure that just came out from a bookshop.

*Thump !*

"Oh my goodness !"

(Y/n) raises a mouth to her mouth out of embarrassment, "I'm really sorry !'' She then notices that a phone is lying on the ground. The secretary realizes that it belongs to the figure who she just bumped into.

Turns out, she bumped into the person quite hard to the point their phone dropped to the hard, solid ground.

"You should've been more careful." The figure, who's wearing a light brown trench coat, uttered to her.

She examines the person's phone, "Looks like nothing's broken, sir."

"No, don't mind my phone." The man then gets on his knee to fix (Y/n)'s untied shoelaces.

A bit shocked by his actions, she gaped a little, "Oh please don't, I can do it myself. It's alright-"

"You'll trip like that."

He finishes tying her shoelaces, thus, standing up. His height towering over her.

"Thank you- Oh ! Here, your phone."

"Thanks. Goodbye then." The man in the trench coat sends her a warm smile before walking off to the opposite direction (Y/n) came from. After a few seconds pass, (Y/n) lets out her breath that she didn't realize she has been holding.

The woman puts a hand on her chest.

"Oh my, what a sweet person... Unlike a certain grumpy man..." Puffing out her breath, she then proceeds to walk home.

Unknown to (Y/n), the man from earlier has stopped in his tracks to look back.

Seeing her figure that already walked away from their previous spot of the sudden encounter.

Those eyes behind the round glasses scanned and memorized every single of her features before she got away from his sight, silently printing the image of her face into his brain.

Maybe... he can meet her again.. 


a/n : so what do you think about this chapter ? *laughs nervously* I hope you guys are entertained by this book ! :)) 

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