You're Perfect (Chaeryeong) Pt.4

Start from the beginning

Y/N: "Did something happen?" you said, wondering what the cause of her tears was. Usually, if something happens, Chaeryeong would open up to you about it, but why was it so secretive this time?

Chaeryeong: "Nothing wrong, silly..." she said, shining another brutal smile. Pretending like everything was normal...

Whatever she is holding in is bothering her, but you decided not to push her on the subject even though you knew something was wrong. If she wanted to tell you, then she'll let you know... But as her friend, you wanted Chaeryeong to know that you were here for her, and will always be by her side.

Y/N: "Chae... You know you can tell me anything right... After all, that's what friends are for," you said as you then saw tears started forming from her gentle eyes. No longer could she pretend that everything was fine. You slowly walked over to her and embraced her, wanting to help her with whatever she struggled with.

As you hugged her and she began to cling onto your shirt, shedding the build-up tears from before, she no longer hiding her genuine emotions. Although you didn't know what to do in this situation, you knew that you had to help her. As she sobbed in your chest, you patted her back, reinsuring that everything would be okay.

You guys embraced each other, both of us not saying a word. You felt useless, while the girl you had feelings for was crying away in your arms. All you could hear were the sound of her sniffs, her gasping for air. With each breath she took, it pained your heart. You didn't know how to help her. You didn't know what to say or do. All you could do was to hold her tightly and pray for the best.

After a couple of minutes of endless tears, she finally let go of the hug and tried to calm herself down. You glanced down at your shirt, completely soaked by her sobs.

You looked up at Chaeryeong, and her eyes were so puffy it looked like she had an allergic reaction. With tears still rolling down her face, her vision must've been blurry. You caressed her face and using your thumb to wipe away the endless stream of tears. And after a few minutes of crying, she finally stopped.

Chaeryeong: "Y/N... Please answer this honestly..." she said with a quiet voice. Was she finally going to talk about her problem? You opened your ears and entirely focused on her, wanting to be a good listener.

Y/N: "Hm?"

Chaeryeong: "Do you think I'm pretty?" she said with a weak voice. She sounded so fragile, almost as if a mouse had said those exact words with no confidence whatsoever in her voice. It broke your heart a little. She must have read some hate comments again...

When Chaeryeong debuted, instead of being praised for her dance and stable vocals, she was often a victim of K netizens trying to put her down. They would often call her ugly while comparing her to the other members, which was outrageous because in your mind... She was beautiful...

Y/N: "Yeah, Dummy. You are an angel," you said, giving her a small head pat. However, she quickly shook her head, not accepting your response.

Chaeryeong: "Stop... You're just saying that to make me feel better," she said as you could hear her voice begin to shake once more.

Y/N: "It's the truth..." you said. "Your beautiful Chaeryeong..." you said softly as you looked into her eyes. "Chae... Don't listen to them... I think you are perfect just the way you are..."

Chaeryeong: "..." she stays in silence. You watched as her eyes were shaking, probably wanting to cry again.

You pulled her into an embrace once more, letting her cry in your chest again. You wish you could protect her from all these hateful comments. You wish that these idiots wouldn't say all these negative things to anyone, and especially to a girl who you love with all your heart.

But you knew you couldn't. But there was one thing you could do. You had to build up her confidence, wanting her not to feel any pain from reading these idiots' comments. You wanted to build up her confidence, and you wanted to let her know that she was perfect just the way she is.

Y/N: "With your beautiful eyes, your cute personality, your amazing dancing, your stable vocals, your silly expression... They are all perfect... In my eyes, and other MIDZY's eyes... You are perfect..." you said in an honest tone, showering her with compliments. Although you knew this problem wouldn't go away overnight, you hoped that your honest words would build her confidence.

With her shedding one more outburst of tears, it looks like she was finally drained from all the waterworks. She broke the hug and looked at you. She stared into your eyes, and you did the same. Her dark brown eyes, you could get lost in them easily.

Chaeryeong: "Sorry about that, Y/N," she said, as she then shines a bright smile

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Chaeryeong: "Sorry about that, Y/N," she said, as she then shines a bright smile. This time you could feel her grin radiating with positive energy. Her smile was from ear to ear and one that could melt your heart.

Y/N: "It's no problem... After all, that's what friends are for," you said, returning the grin. "Want to practice now?" you asked, wanting to get back to the original task.

Chaeryeong: "Wait before anything..." she said as she walks up to you. She walks to your left side, and using her tiptoes, gives you a small peck on the cheek.

The soft sensation on your cheek as her lips touch it... It was a warm feeling the flooded your whole body, a sense that made butterflies fill your stomach instantly. It felt almost euphoric, almost as if a tiny piece of heaven fell down from the sky. It felt as if time slowed down... However, you soon realized what just happened.

Chaeryeong just kissed you on the cheek. You looked at her with wide eyes, surprised at what she just did. With her bright red face, she said.

Chaeryeong: "Thank you...."

Wow fun. Hope it was a nice read for y'all. Do you guys want me to write about any certain idol?  Lowkey I need more ideas, I'm running out T~T

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